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No doubt, Paul Krugman and the gang at MSNBC will get a serious case of the vapors over this new ad by Will Brooke (R-AL), but just because they banged up and down on their high chairs about gun-related metaphors in early 2011, doesn’t mean that they get to decide which ads will play well in various local markets. And they broke the ceasefire on their own calls for an era of new civility almost as quickly as they called for it anyhow.
In YouTube ad published on Wednesday, Will Brooke, a Republican Alabama congressional hopeful, managed to combine two hot-button for conservatives: guns and a disdain for ObamaCare. The video shows Brooke shooting at a paper copy of the Affordable Care Act with various firearms.
Brooke is looking to fill the seat to be vacated by Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL), who announced his retirement last fall.
I suspect Brooke will be happy for the free publicity from the left his ad is sure to garner.
And it doesn’t mention castration, so it’s got that going for it as well.
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