Barbara Walters: Happiness is Holding Fidel Castro's Gun in My Lap

TMI, Barbara, TMI; “Barbara Walters Warmly Recalls Holding Fidel Castro’s Gun In Her Lap,” as spotted by Newsbusters:

The December 23 edition of People magazine looks through old pictures with Barbara Walters as she “looks back on her most memorable moments” in five decades of television interviews.

During her 1977 interview with Fidel Castro “I spent 10 days with him, traveled through the mountains and held his gun in my lap,” she said. “People thought we had a romance, but we never did.”


Makes you wonder whether she was there for more than the Roquefort cheese morsels rolled in crushed nuts when she attended Leonard and Felicia Bernstein’s infamous “Radical Chic” party to fund-raise for the equally leftwing Black Panthers back in 1970.

And given that the quote came in People magazine, it’s yet another reminder of just what poseurs Time-Warner-CNN-HBO were back in January of 2011 pretending that any gun-related language gave them the willies.

For a much less romantic view of Castro’s Cuba than Walters’ ABC or Time-Warner-CNN-HBO would dare proffer, check out Michael Totten’s recent two-part dispatches from Cuba at World Affairs Journal.


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