CNN of course “fixates on ‘Green Eggs & Ham’ portion of Cruz speech,” as Twitchy notes:
How many “legitimate” media outlets are reporting Cruz citing Green Eggs & Ham, and how many are reporting Cruz reading a letter from the heads of three major labor unions to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid demanding fixes to the health care law that will “destroy the very health and wellbeing of our members along with millions of other hardworking Americans”?
The only part of Cruz’s speech they understood and/or were willing to discuss.
Maybe this is why so many mainstream outlets are leading with “Green Eggs.”
Rep. Steve Stockman, Cruz’s fellow Texas Republican, tweets, “What does it say about the media and liberals that the only part of Cruz’s speech they understood was ‘Green Eggs & Ham?'”
Just a reminder, back in March, CNN was also in full Alinsky snark mode during the last filibuster by a member of the minority party:
As I wrote back then, “Even before former NBC head Jeff Zucker has implemented most of long-term strategy to transform this moribund opinion network, its transformation into MSNBC appears to be near complete.”
Speaking of which, Big Journalism recently noted that Albie Hecht, the new head of CNN’s sister network Headline News is “a Huge Democrat Donor,” having contributed nearly $50,000 to various leftwing causes.
But considering that Bill Maher has contributed one million dollars to Obama’s Super PAC (while advancing Obama’s War on Women with his crude misogynist rhetoric), isn’t donating gobs of money to the left simply a mandatory job requirement to advance your career at Time-Warner-CNN-HBO?
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