PJM’s own Allen West “appeared on Hannity last night and took on the gansta culture that appears to have heavily influenced the murder of Chris Lane in Oklahoma one week ago today,” Bryan Preston writes at the PJ Tatler:
West, who hosts at our sister site Next Generation TV along with John Phillips and Michelle Fields, told substitute host David Webb. “It is a gangster culture out there. It is a culture that is being permeated throughout the media, and throughout the entertainment industry, that we need to start speaking out about. And furthermore, when you think about the fact that 72% of black babies are being born out of wedlock, this is the…second and third order effects that we have seen in the inner city, in the black community, and in other communities where it’s spilling over. So that is the real conversation that we need to start having,” West said. He noted that “when I was 15, when I was 16, my parents ensured that I was not bored.” The teens accused of shooting Chris Lane in the back claim that they killed him out of boredom.
Juan Williams responded, “Let me be blunt, where are the civil rights leaders? Why aren’t we hearing from the civil rights leaders out there leading marches and protests against violence, against the drug dealers, against the bad schools, saying to young women, ‘Hey, this is madness’” before citing out-of-wedlock birth statistics among white, Hispanic and black babies. Williams slammed Jesse Jackson for criticizing President Obama when he tried to speak on the issue of the fractured black family. Williams charged that “I just think that is another sign that these people are all in bed, literally sometimes, with the pornographers, you know, a blind eye to the drug dealers, a blind eye to the people who tell you ‘It’s thug life, or no life.’”
A father in Duncan, OK, where the three teens allegedly killed Chris Lane, has said that the boys had tried to recruit his son into the Crips, and threatened him when he resisted.
As Jonah Goldberg writes in his column today, MSNBC hosts “just can’t understand” (to coin an epistemic closure) why anyone would want to discuss these sorts of topics:
To the extent that people are bringing up race it is to turn the tables, rhetorically at least, on people like Reid and her MSNBC colleagues for their relentless — some might say shameless and disgusting — effort to exploit the George Zimmerman murder trial.
Recall that there was no evidence Zimmerman was motivated by racial animus, a fact so inconvenient to NBC News that it unethically edited Zimmerman’s 911 call to make it sound like he was racist. (NBC later apologized and Zimmerman is rightly suing.) This inconvenient truth was also why numerous news outlets insisted on describing Zimmerman as a “white Hispanic” — to bend the facts to fit the preferred narrative.
Australian and British newspapers — which do not care about imposing a monolithic liberal narrative on race — are reporting that Lane’s alleged murderers may have been driven by motives other than boredom. But even if the initial reporting proves accurate and these thugs were just trying to break the monotony of the dog days of summer, the lesson for the MSNBC crowd should be the same.
From Obama down to his cheerleaders in the press, liberals have declared unremitting war on their ideological opponents, cynically polarizing the country along racial — and, when possible, gender — lines. They, not conservatives, have been the ones dragging race into any and every political dispute they can. This disgusting strategy has worked well for them, galvanizing minority voters and tarring the Republican brand. I don’t particularly welcome the fact that conservatives are fighting fire with fire, but you can hardly blame them given how liberals like Reid have been asking for it for so long.
Read the whole thing.
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