“No Word from Hillary During Benghazi Attack,” Michael Warren writes at the Weekly Standard:
Neither the secretary of defense nor the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff spoke to the secretary of state during the 8-hour attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. At a Thursday hearing in the Senate, Republican Ted Cruz asked both Leon Panetta and Martin Dempsey, “In between 9:42 p.m., Benghazi time, when the first attacks started, and 5:15 am, when Mr. Doherty and Mr. Woods lost their lives, what converations did either of you have with Secretary Clinton?”
“We did not have any conversations with Secretary Clinton,” Panetta responded.
“And General Dempsey, the same is true for you?” Cruz asked. Dempsey confirmed this.
And of course, “Defense Secretary Leon Panetta testified this morning on Capitol Hill that President Barack Obama was absent the night four Americans were murdered in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.” Because, Vegas, baby.
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