- Our Old Grand Fantasies About Radical Islam, by Victor Davis Hanson. The Obama administration’s therapeutic approach to the War on Terror.
- Best Thing Ever To Emerge from a Celebrity Trip to North Korea, by Claudia Rosett. The latest Bill Richardson expedition to Pyongyang did produce one pleasant surprise.
- Proof of Heaven Isn’t… Still… by Andrew Klavan. I found the book oddly believable.
- The Next Target of Leftists: Talk Radio, by Roger Kimball. Why? Because it represents an independent source of opinion.
- Study Indicts New York Times for Anti-Israel Bias, by Ricki Hollander. The “paper of record” and its pro-Palestinian slanted coverage.
- The Society of St. Pius X and Antisemitism, by Jeanette Pryor. How “good” people compartmentalize evil.
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