- Fear and Shame on the Campaign Trail #2: The Week of the Dumb Democrats, by Roger L Simon. And plenty of loathing as well, as Ryan Derangement Syndrome is everywhere.
- The Biggest D.C. Spy Scandal You Haven’t Heard About (Part Two), by Patrick Poole. The Pakistani spy who went undetected in D.C. for 20 years was deeply involved with U.S. Muslim Brotherhood front groups.
- Introducing Dr. Kimball’s Self-Help Program for Disillusioned Liberals, by Roger Kimball. Like AA for that group Harold Rosenberg memorably denominated “the herd of independent minds.”
- A Graduate of My ‘Commie’ High School Goes to Cuba and Sees Paradise, by Ron Radosh. How one’s education can warp you for life.
- See No Jihad: U.S. Still Treating Fort Hood Jihadis as Criminals, by Robert Spencer. Determined to ignore reality.
- Illegal Immigration Stakes Out Lower Rung on Campaign Trail, by Bridget Johnson. The DREAM Act-inspired deferment order of President Obama went into effect today, but was largely ignored save for some congressional Dems.
- The Islamization of Knowledge in the New Egypt, by Andrew C. McCarthy. Building the “Islamic epistemological framework” — in both the Middle East and America.
- Breaking: Family Research Council Attacked, Gunman Taken into Custody (Updated: MSNBC Reports!), by Bryan Preston. ABC’s Brian Ross reportedly Googling up a storm.
- Tax-Funded Sterilizations for Teenagers (No Parental Consent Required?), by La Shawn Barber. In Oregon, a 15-year-old cannot obtain a driver’s license or legally drink alcohol, but she can ask a doctor to make her infertile.
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