- The Last Fourth of July, by Roger L Simon. America, the window of the world, is in danger of closing.
- Beyond the Theory of Moral Relativity, by Ed Driscoll. The recurring urge of tyrants to hit the CTRL-ALT-DLT keys on western civilization and invent “The New Man.”
- German Court Ban on Circumcision Opens Sluice Gate for Anti-Semitism, by David P. Goldman. As the grim old joke goes, the Germans will never forgive the Jews for Auschwitz.
- ‘For Imposing Taxes On Us Without Our Consent’ – The Declaration’s Words, by Janine Turner. A comparison: July 4, 1776 – July 4, 2012.
- Chief Justice Roberts’ Dred Scott Moment, by Pamela Geller. A shocking violation of the founding principle of our great republic, individual rights.
- 10 Fun Outdoor Activities for Stay-at-Home Dads, by Duane Lester. “Hey kids, let’s go outside and see how far the trebuchet will throw a watermelon!”
- Did John Roberts Hollow Out the Supreme Court’s Self-Image? By Bryan Preston. Relic.
- Roberts v. Roberts, by Rick Richman. During the oral argument on ObamaCare, the justice who most concisely destroyed the government’s argument that it was a “tax” was … John Roberts.
- Algae Fuel Gets Funding: USDA, Energy Dept. ‘Invest’ $62 Million, by Bridget Johnson. The White House has even threatened to veto the House’s defense bill because, in part, it cuts $70 million from “commercial scale” biofuels research.
- Andy Griffith’s American Humor, by S. T. Karnick. Griffith’s best characters were surprisingly complex men, stubbornly retaining their traditional values in a world that had cast them aside.
- Afterburner with Bill Whittle: The Glorious Fourth, by Bill Whittle. Click to watch video.
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