Rep. David Wu (D-OR) has announced that he’s resigning, although the caveat that he’ll do so after the debt crisis has concluded means that it could be remain office seemingly into perpetuity. Fortunately, in the meantime, Taiwan’s crack team of animators has summed up his peccadilloes in their usual idiosyncratic style — which is probably more accurate than the average New York Times reportage is these days:
Meanwhile, in news from the port side of the Senate, “Kerry’s Implacable Defender, and Man Who Introduced Him At 2004 Democratic National Convention, Stripped By Navy Of His Own Silver Star.”
Related: “‘Weirdo’ Wu Goes as Wayward Woo Woes Grow” — Walter Russell Mead has your New York Post-ready headline of the day, and a brief but perceptive reason why Wu wilted in Washington.
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