Well, here’s a lede you don’t see very often: Jonah Goldberg asks, “If North Koreans were pandas, would we have let them suffer so?”
In October 1993, Edward N. Luttwak wrote a brilliant essay for Commentary magazine asking a similar question: “If the Bosnian Muslims had been bottlenose dolphins, would the world have allowed Croats and Serbs to slaughter them by the tens of thousands? If Sarajevo had been an Amazonian rain forest or merely an American wood containing spotted owls, would the Serbs have been allowed to blast it and burn it with their artillery fire?
“The answers are too obvious, the questions merely rhetorical. And therein lies a very great irony. At long last a genuine spirit of transnational benevolence has arisen, fulfilling the highest hopes of the rare pioneering globalists of the 19th century and before. No longer does this disinterested benevolence abruptly stop at the boundaries of state, nation or culture. Instead it now encompasses all of life both animal and vegetal across the entire globe, with only one exception: Homo sapiens.”
Read the whole thing.™
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