Tune in each Saturday to Sirus-XM’s POTUS channel (#110 on Sirius, #130 on XM) at (all times eastern) 6:00 am, 12:00 pm, 6:00 pm, and Sunday at midnight (also eastern time zone) for the weekly edition of Pajamas Media’s PJM Political.
If you missed this week’s show, click below to listen:
[audio:http://pjmedia.com/media/audio/xm/20101120-XM-PJM-SG.mp3](Want to download instead of streaming? Click here to download this week’s show. Or click here to download the lo-fi edition.)
Join host Stephen Green of VodkaPundit.com for a look at DC and beyond:
- Taken from his weekly Instavision show on PJTV.com, Glenn Reynolds talks with two leading members of the Tea Party, David Kirkham and Mike Wilson, about its future after the midterms.
- From PJTV.com’s The Front Page, Allen Barton talks with Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Institute, and Terry Jones of Investor’s Business Daily about the future of the car company we all own a stake in, whether we want to or not, General Motors.
- Will the midterm elections produce a course correction in Hollywood? We’ll find out from Roger L. Simon and Lionel Chetwynd, from their latest edition of Poliwood.
- Roger L. Simon and PJTV host Joe Hicks discuss gay marriage, the potential end of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and the future of other gay-related issues in America.
- Produced by Ed Driscoll.
If you missed any recent edition of PJM Political, click here and scroll through for hours of audio archives. And tune in to Pajamas Media’s PJTV.com for video coverage throughout the week. If you like what you see there, please consider subscribing to PJTV. Unlike the effectively state-run legacy media, alternative media needs reader and viewer support to flourish.
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