On Sunday, Linda McMahon released this hard-hitting ad reminding voters that Connecticut liberal Richard Blumenthal is the classic Phony Soldier:
[youtube 3Q1I9PrxtE4]
Of course, that hasn’t stopped Iowans from voting for Tom Harkin, another Democrat with an…imaginative…recall of his war record. But at least Connecticut voters are going into this election with their eyes open. Given McMahon’s background as a wrestling entrepreneur, could this question from yesterday’s debate be the knockout punch:
“How do you create a job?”
[youtube 1jkU3RSfDGE]
Did you watch this? Not only did McMahon ask him the perfect question, but he answered it the perfect way: with baffled bullsh*t. He had literally no idea now to respond to the question, “How do you create a job?”
This obviously is going to be in commercials.
I think she just won the race.
I hope he’s right, but this after all the state that elected Chris Dodd to DC for the last millenia or so; I’ll bet Blumenthal is shopping for an Irish cottage or two even as we speak.
Update: More from Michael Walsh at Big Journalism: “Great Moments in Media Buys: Linda McMahon vs. Sgt. ‘Toys for Tots’ Blumenthal.”
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