Behold and weep the epic spelling Fail:
Well, here’s something to make your old English teacher gasp in horror: A road contractor hired to paint the word “school” on a freshly paved stretch of road near Southern Guilford High School in North Carolina rendered the traffic area in question a “shcool” zone.
But fear not for the (surely confused) youth of Greensboro! The contractor, a company called Traffic Markings, has already corrected the error, the local Fox TV affiliate reports.
This isn’t the first such mishap on record. Last year, for instance, a Miami-area road crew offered the variant spelling of “scohol,” while in 2007, a team in Kalamazoo, Mich., managed the same “h” and “c” reversal.
Chalk it all up to a bad day’s wrok.
Of course, as we spotted a few months ago, students are capable of making cringe-inducing typos of their own. Hey teachers, leave those kids a loan!
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