The Crypto-Conservative Musical Stylings Of The Sex Pistols

As Orrin Judd likes to say, “All comedy is conservative,” (for reasons explained here) and according to London Times writer Rod Liddle, so is all punk rock:


Nor did McLaren really get the ideology behind punk rock; it was never leftist, in essence, much though the music press at the time wished that it were. If anything, it was part of the primal, pre-Thatcherite, radical right; it wanted to kick over staid and desiccated institutions and replace them with something more dynamic. It had no truck with trade unions, organised labour, co-operatives, peace and love; it was viciously individualistic. Ayn Rand would have loved punk rock. Look at the music writers who cut their teeth on punk — Julie Burchill, Tony Parsons, Garry Bushell. All well to the right of centre.

Hey, anarchy is what’s to the right of libertarianism; the punk and new wave bands that espoused folk-Marxism and collectivism were (and are) just anarcho-authoritarian poseurs anyhow.

(H/T: 5’F)


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