'It Comes From, Uh, Being Smart'

Joy Behar “Claims Liberals More Intelligent and Open-Minded Than Conservatives:”

The latest edition of CBS’s “Sunday Morning” featured a glowing profile of “The View” co-host Joy Behar in which the stand-up comic implied that conservatives are not intelligent and insisted that liberals are more open-minded.

Interviewer Russ Mitchell asked Behar how she developed a liberal worldview, to which Behar responded: “It comes from, uh, being smart.”


But of course. There’s much to be learned from her show.

More Joy:

“Listen, I have my prejudices, you know, too,” she said. “I think that people who are liberal are more open-minded. That’s all. I just believe that. You know, you can argue with that all you want—you can say, ‘Oh, conservative people are open-minded,’ and I don’t agree with that. I don’t.”

To follow-up on the previous post, which explored, via a lengthy quote from Dennis Prager, liberalism (or what passes for it in 2010) as an alternative, and all-encompassing religion, how is Behar’s statement any different from Ann Coulter’s riffs a few years ago on Christianity being superior to other religions, which the left pounced on in reflexive pretend-anger?


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