Over To You, Tiger...

Hulu has a countdown to Tiger Woods’ press conference, which you can watch here, later this morning, presumably at T-minus 00:00:00:

In the interim, leftwing satirist Andy Borowitz quips, “Tiger’s Mistresses Gather at Yankee Stadium for Press Conference — Traffic Snarls for Miles.” Steve Green will apparently be drunkblogging the proceedings, with plenty of Bloody Marys to ease the pain of watching what could very well be a spectacle combining all of these excesses you’d expect of a Jimmy Swaggart-style confession retooled for the age of Oprah.

While we’re waiting for the maudlin mayhem to begin, we might as well flashback to last month’s edition of my Silicon Graffiti videoblog, focusing on what history may recall as the definitive apogee of legacy media Tiger and Obama worship, the infamous January edition of Golf Digest. Or as I dubbed the episode:

(HT: Y/T.)


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