“Obama, like Sarah Palin, hails hunting, killing wild animals”, Andrew Malcolm of the L.A. Times quips:
Wow, big change in political attitude this fall. Little-noticed.
Remember that Democratic candidate for president — what was his name? — who complained to those elite San Francisco donors at a supposedly private mansion gathering about bitter small-town Pennsylvanians who cling to their guns and religion?
And it made a big splash at the time because, unbeknownst to that candidate, a Huffington Post reporter taped the careless remarks. And, well, some woman who’d gone duck-hunting once went on to win the party primary in the Keystone State.
Well, on the eve of that special season when so many Americans blast migrating ducks out of the sky and blow large holes in the side of fleeing deer, Barack Obama, now in the White House, has just issued a special Presidential Proclamation.
He’s saluting and celebrating those “ageless pursuits” of hunting and fishing, just like some caribou-killing ex-Alaska governor might.
And he’s actually returning to Pennsylvania this week, only not to kill animals.
Obama says today’s American hunters and fisherpersons like, say, ex-VP Dick Cheney, celebrate sound, scientific game management and “freedom, fairness and self-sustainability.” Although, truth be told, it’s pretty hard to imagine hunting ever being fair until the game are armed too.
I’m sure Peter Singer is working on that, even as we speak.
Related: Freud would probably say that the president’s newfound embrace of guns and snuff macho is compensation for weakness in other areas….
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