Bill Ayers Drinks The Kool-Aid

Over at the American Spectator’s blog, Matthew Vadum writes that former Weatherman and Obama associate Bill Ayers has an odd choice of phrasing to insult a journalist at the Washington Times:


Retired terrorist Bill Ayers, a kind of folk hero among today’s left, had a run-in with Washington Times editorial staffer Kerry Picket.

Picket’s encounter with the would-be mass murderer who plotted to bomb a crowded dance hall at Fort Dix, New Jersey, in 1970, was captured on video.

The newspaper reported this about the brief interview with the former associate of President Obama:

When questioned by The Washington Times during a lecture on racism, Mr. Ayers went ballistic. “Did you drink the kool-aid over at The Times or are you okay?” he asked. “What I’m saying is … do you actually have a mind of your own?”

Drinking the kool-aid.

That’s an odd choice of words for Ayers. The expression came from the mass murder-suicide carried out by Jim Jones at Jonestown, Guyana in 1978 when Jones forced his congregation to drink poisoned flavored liquid.

Like Ayers, Jones was an America-hating revolutionary Communist. Jones left the U.S. and created what he hoped would be a socialist paradise in the Guyanese jungle. When things went awry, Jones decided it would be better to slaughter his followers than allow them to leave. More than 900 people died.

Jones remained a revolutionary Communist to the end. On an audio recording of the mass murder in progress, he can be heard attempting to reassure his followers: “We didn’t commit suicide, we committed an act of revolutionary suicide protesting the conditions of an inhumane world.” (transcript here)

Jones used religion to advance Marxism; Ayers uses the academy to advance Marxism.

Two different homicidal activists sharing a common ideal.

Maybe Ayers’s choice of words wasn’t so odd after all.


As Washington Times notes:

[Ayers’] new book, published by Third World Press, is “Race Course Against White Supremacy.” The publisher’s description on summarizes the thesis “that white supremacy has been the dominant political system in the United States since its earliest days – and that it is still very much with us.” Even though Mr. Obama enjoys approval ratings around 60 percent, Mr. Ayers insists that racism is the dominant cultural factor in America today. “It’s very hard not to drag the chains of that history into the present,” he said last week. His goal seems to be to keep America’s minorities angry, which keeps America divided.

Mr. Ayers’ views remain as explosive as ever. It’s hard not to drag the history of his relationship with Mr. Obama into the present because Mr. Ayers and Mr. Obama traveled in the same circles of community activists in Chicago, and the former fugitive visited Mr. Obama’s house early in the latter’s political career. Today the president preaches hope and change, but the Weatherman shows little faith in either.


On the other hand, Ayers doesn’t need to get elected; who has the more honest persona?

Update: On the Pajamas homepage, Grabar writes, “Ayers and Dohrn Embark on U.S. – Bashing Book Tour.”

Fortunately, it’s merely a figurative bashing these days.


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