What Sort Of Man Reads Pajamas?

Just had a great chat with Jill Stewart of Pajamas Media on Thursday night. Watch for my Dewar’s Pajamas Contributor Profile to go online, possibly as early as next week.


Update: Just to tie this post in with the previous topics earlier this evening, linking to The Anchoress, Co-Maximum Pajamahadeen Roger L. Simon writes:

I think CNN would turn Noah’s flood into a partisan attack on George Bush. Even such a hardened politico as James Carville had to tell their brain dead reporter to shut up and deal with the reality in front of him, rather than casting blame. What is wrong with these CNN people? What culture do they come from? Their lack of moral and psychological sophistication is truly stunning.

When I see this kind of reporting, I know we are doing the right thing at Pajamas Media in trying to organize the blogosphere, just a little bit, as the beginning of an antidote.



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