BUCHANAN’S WHITE WHALE: Lawrence Auster of Front Page writes of Pat Buchanan’s obsession with Israel, “along with Israel’s purported agents in America, the neoconservatives.”:
As a sign of his obsession, at the very moment when America and its Coalition partners were launching the war against Iraq last year, and most Americans were focused on how to win this tremendous battle, Buchanan published a long diatribe in The American Conservative called “Whose War?”, in which he charged that President Bush was in thrall to “the neoconservatives’ agenda of endless wars on the Islamic world that serve only [emphasis added] the interests of a country other than the one he was elected to preserve and protect.”
David Cohen of The Brothers Judd has some thoughts on Buchanan:
for about five minutes he thought that he was going to be president, [Buchanan] was captured by the demogoguery he thought he could use and then set aside, and he started his long, strange trip to his current position just the smallest bit to the right of the far left.
Cohen notes that “even in his heyday, [Buchanan] never met a Nazi war criminal he didn’t like”.
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