ALL THE COOL KIDS IN THE BLOGOSPHERE are posting photos of where they blog, and since they’re not jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge, I figured I might as well join them. After all, I posted photos of my frickin’ bathroom here a month ago, so why not my den as well?
While I occasionally blog from my patio via 802.11, often blog when traveling, and I have a study/guest room equipped with a computer and my library of books (you remember those, don’t you?), most of my writing is done in my den. It’s appeared in a couple of magazine articles I’ve written, and shortly after 9/11, I wrote about what it was like to experience that horrific day from here, but I don’t think I’ve posted photographs of the room on my Website. So here’s Mission Control: the side by side computers, since my wife often joins me at night in here, and we often simultaneously surf the net, while watching DVDs or TV via the media room cabinet at the front of the room. The desk is on a platform, allowing much of the wiring to be run underneath. It also raises the desk above the chairs for guests. (On Super Bowl Sunday, this room often has about 10 to 15 people packed in it.) And yes, those guitars get a workout from time to time as well.
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