Colleges with the Most Men

So which colleges do men hang out in? Citytown has a list of colleges where men outnumber women (via Newsalert):

Provided below is a list of schools in the U.S. that have the highest ratio of males to females among schools accepting both sexes into their undergraduate programs. Be aware that this list is only focused on colleges and institutions that have an enrollment of at least 10,000 students.

Technical/engineering universities are at the top of this list, although women certainly are pursuing more science, technical, engineering and math (STEM) careers these days. As the schools become less technical on the list, the numbers of males to females reaches a point that is more equal, but that in no way implies that women aren’t entering these technical schools and succeeding.


Are the dumb comments about women succeeding really necessary here? Anyway, here are the schools with the highest percentage of men:

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University – Extended Campus Daytona Beach FL 88% 14,564
Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester NY 68% 16,583
Georgia Institute of Technology – Main Campus Atlanta GA 67% 21,471
Santa Ana College Santa Ana CA 65% 25,948
Santiago Canyon College Orange CA 62% 10,939

I wonder how the dynamics of these male-heavy schools change the milieu of the school for the male students. Are men happier there? Less happy? Do they learn more? Are the rules more or less fair to men?

Do readers think that a book about the best colleges for men would be helpful to potential students and their parents?

If yes, what do you think readers would want to know?



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