Lanny Davis Puts a Fork in Steele Dossier Claim that Michael Cohen Went to Prague in 2016

Lanny Davis on MSNBC

Lanny Davis, Michael Cohen’s lawyer-turned-adviser, on Sunday denied — hopefully once and for all —  the allegation that Cohen traveled to Prague during the 2016 election, calling the accusation “one of these silly things that constantly gets repeated.”


Davis torpedoed the notorious Steele dossier claim during an interview with NBC’s Kasie Hunt.

“Did that trip ever happen?” Hunt asked Davis, a longtime Clinton loyalist.

“No. No. Everybody, America, we all love Kasie’s show. No, no Prague, ever, never,” Davis laughed in reply.

Davis explained why he has in recent months been quiet on the bogus dossier claim, saying Cohen “actually instructed me when I was serving as his lawyer, ‘just don’t answer it anymore,’ because it’s one of these silly things that constantly gets repeated.”

“So the answer is ‘no,’ he’s never been to Prague,” Davis insisted. He added that reporters have also asked if Cohen’s ever visited any suburbs of Prague, and the answer to that is no, too.

With his latest comments, Davis has seriously undercut a central allegation in the dirty dossier.

Via The Daily Caller:

Written by former British spy Christopher Steele, the dossier alleges a vast conspiracy between the Trump team and Kremlin insiders to hack and disseminate Democrats’ emails to influence the outcome of the election. The claims about Cohen are perhaps the most specific of any made about alleged collusion in the 35-page report.


Democrats have spent the past two years defending the Steele dossier by claiming that none of the allegations have been disproved. Republicans, on the other hand, have argued that claims that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia were never unverified.

On December 12, a  federal judge sentenced Cohen to three years in prison for tax evasion, bank fraud, making illegal campaign contributions, and lying to Congress.

As part of the deal, Cohen admitted he lied to Congress in 2017 about the extent of his attempts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Neither of Cohen’s two plea deals made mention of the dossier’s allegations regarding collusion.

Senators Charles Grassley and Lindsey Graham referred Christopher Steele to the DOJ for criminal investigation in January of 2018 for making false statements to Congress.



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