Rep. Jordan: McCabe Lied Four Times about Leaking to the Media

Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe pauses during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) on Thursday revealed that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe lied not once, but four separate times about leaking information to the press.


Jordan, who sits on the House Oversight and Government Reform and Judiciary committees appeared with Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” Thursday night to discuss Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision not to appoint a second special counsel to look into how the FBI and Justice Department handled the Clinton email probe and Russia investigation. The attorney general has instead appointed a federal prosecutor to evaluate those and other issues, including the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One.

Meadows and Jordan also accused the DOJ of stonewalling Republicans in Congress on their document requests. Meadows said that in seven pages of documents recently submitted to Congress there were twelve material facts omitted by the Department of Justice.

“It’s time that they come clean and give Congress what we need,” he said.

Sessions fired McCabe earlier this month on the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility’s recommendation after the Justice Department’s inspector general determined that McCabe had not been truthful during his review of the Clinton email investigation.


Both Jordan’s and Meadows’ offices have a copy of the inspector general’s report, which has not yet been made public.

Jordan told host Laura Ingraham that McCabe lied four times to various officials about leaking information to the media.

“He lied to James Comey, he lied to the Office of Professional Responsibility, and he lied twice under oath to the inspector general,” the congressman said.

Meadows and Jordan disagreed with Sessions on the need for a special counsel.

“Attorney General Sessions talked about ‘extraordinary circumstances,'” Meadows noted. “Well, how much more extraordinary do you have to be when you fire the central player in the investigation?” He added: “We need to have this special counsel. I disagree with the attorney general. For the attorney general to suggest there’s not enough ‘there’ there is just extremely disappointing.”

Jordan pointed out that McCabe is just one of many FBI officials involved in the Clinton and Russia probes who have been fired or demoted.


“If those aren’t extraordinary circumstances warranting a second special counsel, I don’t know what the heck is,” Jordan said. “I don’t know why the attorney general keeps postponing this. Everyone in town knows we need a second special counsel to get to the bottom of this.”

Jordan wondered about John Huber, the Obama appointee who was assigned to look into the potential FBI and DOJ wrongdoing

“How can he investigate his boss, Rod Rosenstein?” Jordan asked. “That’s who he reports to. Mr. Rosenstein is involved in all this FISA abuse that we think took place.” He added, “You have to have a second special counsel. I hope Jeff Sessions figures that out and names one very soon.”


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