Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week — 'ZOMG! THE DEPORTATIONS!' Edition

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The Coastal Media Bubble™ Democrats have long operated on the assumption that every American should want what they want. Anyone who isn't on board with their psychotic agenda is a bad person, in their telling of the story. 


Honestly, I'm not sure if all Democrats are even on board with the worldview of the party elites and propagandists anymore.

For example, thanks to some enterprising red-state governors like Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott, some very blue sanctuary cities far from the southern border have gotten to feel a little of the pain caused by the Dem hierarchy's obsession with open borders. Suddenly, officials in cities with the luxury of being magnanimous because of their lack of proximity to Mexico became reluctant to open their arms to the influx from open borders. 

Weird how that worked out, huh?

The invasion of our southern border has wrought so much havoc that the tone-deaf complaints from the Dems' flying monkeys in the mainstream media about what Trump plans to do read like in-kind contributions to his campaign. 

This week's TDS Meltdown "winner" was written by a trio of fear-mongers from Pravda on the Hudson. 

The New York Times

Former President Donald J. Trump is planning an extreme expansion of his first-term crackdown on immigration if he returns to power in 2025 — including preparing to round up undocumented people already in the United States on a vast scale and detain them in sprawling camps while they wait to be expelled.

The plans would sharply restrict both legal and illegal immigration in a multitude of ways.


Geez, it makes me want to vote for him harder. 

Because everything with the Left is feelings-based and logic gives them a rash, this thing hinges on a false premise: 

The constellation of Mr. Trump’s 2025 plans amounts to an assault on immigration on a scale unseen in modern American history. Millions of undocumented immigrants would be barred from the country or uprooted from it years or even decades after settling here.

Reining in the illegal immigration insanity that the Democrats have been aiding and abetting for decades is not "an assault on immigration." They think that if they keep conflating legal and illegal immigration long enough, the citizenry will no longer make the distinction. It was working for a while, then violent crimes committed by illegal aliens began happening in non-border states, and people's eyes were opened. 

The Trump-bashing articles in the Times often feature a moment of clarity buried somewhere in the middle, which is then glossed over or not built upon in a way that makes sense, almost as if it were a Tourette syndrome moment. The authors of this piece admit that public sentiment has shifted away from the leftists, and their wording of the admission is everything you need to know:

Since Mr. Trump left office, the political environment on immigration has moved in his direction.


Not "Since Joe Biden has been in office," which would have focused on the Democrats' responsibility for the crisis. That would, of course, bring the conversation around to Kamala Harris and her border czar days, and the "Joy!" would leave the room. 

Actually, the authors don't seem to think that there is a crisis. This is a very, very long hit piece that is solely intended to portray Donald Trump as a big meanie. At no point in this gaseous screed do the authors bring up any of the reasons for Trump's focus on the border nightmare. There is no mention of the economic hardships, the murders, the extreme northward migration of violent South American gangs, or any of the myriad negative consequences of the Biden-Harris border policies. 

They do gnash their teeth about Trump's desire to end DACA, though. 

As in every smear piece about immigration, the lefty lapdogs whine about Trump's rhetoric. The false narrative says that there really isn't a problem, Orange Man Bad is simply whipping the rubes into a frenzy with his words. 

It's not working, little commies. 

Trump keeps the illegal immigration problem front and center in his campaign speeches because it is a major issue that voters all over this great land are concerned about. The propaganda machine isn't as good at distracting voters from reality as it used to be. 


When I saw Trump speak in Tucson in September, one of the biggest ovations he got was when he mentioned mass deportations. It may have been the biggest ovation. Regular Americans are sick of the open-borders cancer that is destroying this country, especially those of us in border states. 

A coastal lefty's meanie is a border-state resident's conquering hero. 

I recently shared this in the Morning Briefing and I'm going to end with it here because it's perfect for this particular column. As I said in the MB, I think that this is the second greatest political ad I've seen in my voting lifetime (the first is Reagan's 1984 "Bear in the Woods"). 

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