Tucker Carlson: Portland Stabber Was an Unstable Maniac Who Supported Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders

Fox News host Tucker Carlson used his opening monologue Tuesday evening to correct the record on the Portland murder suspect, Jeremy Christian, who has been labeled a white supremacist and Trump supporter.


“The accused killer was not a Trump voter,” Carson pointed out. “He actually backed Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders in the 2016 race and he called for violent attacks on Trump supporters during the election.”

He continued:

A video from the day before the stabbing shows him denouncing not just Muslims, but also Jews and Christians. In a Facebook posting from last June, he attacked Hillary Clinton for allegedly keeping Honduran refugees out of this country. Hardly the behavior of a coherent “white supremacist.” At the alt-right rallies he supposedly attended in April, he was apparently there to pick fights with everybody, whether they loved Trump or hated him. Once you dig a little, you find out this guy wasn’t a right-winger, but an unstable maniac who hated almost everybody and maybe inevitably was going to lash out at some point.

Carlson then turned to the left’s “diversity agenda,” calling it “totalitarian.”

“It is totalitarian and suddenly it is everywhere,” Carlson said.


He cited Evergreen State College in Washington, where students demanded a day without white people and went bonkers when not everyone agreed that it was a good idea. The snowflakes have become convinced that their extremely left-wing campus has been “infiltrated by bigots,” Carson said. And in the face of angry protests, riots, threats, and bullying, the craven faculty have been “abasing themselves in front of their tormentors,” he charged.

“Where are the people in charge, exactly?” the host asked. “How did we get here, exactly?”

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