In 2011, the office behavior of Bill and Chelsea Clinton almost drove the Clinton Foundation’s chief operating officer to suicide. This information was revealed in a hacked email released by WikiLeaks today.
Doug Band, an adviser to Bill Clinton at the time, sent an email to Cheryl Mills and copied John Podesta and Justin Cooper. Band informed them that he had just talked the Clinton Foundation’s COO out of driving her car into the New York City bay.
“Late last night, laura graham called me as she couldn’t reach my brother or her shrink,” Band wrote in a Dec. 2011 email chain titled “Draft Infrastructure Model”:
She was on staten island in her car parked a few feet from the waters edge with her foot on the gas pedal and the car in park. She called me to tell me the stress of all of this office crap with wjc and cvc as well as that of her family had driven her to the edge and she couldn’t take it anymore.
WJC and CVC refers to William Jefferson Clinton and Chelsea Victoria Clinton.
Band wrote that this wasn’t the first time he had prevented Graham from killing herself in recent months.
I spent a while on the phone with her preventing her from doing that, as I have a few times in the past few months, and was able to reach roger and her shrink.
Band also described how working at the Clinton Foundation office had stressed out Chairman of the Board Bruce Lindsey to the point that Lindsey’s health was seriously affected.
And shockingly, Band doubted that Chelsea Clinton cared that she had helped devastate the lives of her two colleagues:
Bruce said the stress of specifically the office had caused his very serious health issues as you both know. But I’m sure chelsea is more concerned with a mostly false story in the distinguished ny post about mf global and teneo not her role in what happened to laura/bruce, what she is doing to the organization or the several of stories that have appeared in the ny post about her father and a multitude of women over the years.
For teneo, well before mf global, we have been discussing this. Its going to hurt teneo to have wjc on the adv bd any longer but we need come up with a reorg concept for the relationship with wjc and teneo that is lower key and handled privately and properly that we should discuss.
Life is to short so let’s have a call and get this over with.
Bruce Lindsey is still the foundation’s chairman of the board, and Laura Graham is currently a senior adviser to the foundation.
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