18 Books and Products I Recommend For Other New Media Troublemakers


This year at PJ Lifestyle we’re going to try and increase the number of products that we review. This is the start of an ongoing list of the best products for self-styled “new media troublemakers.” I’m going to try and publish new versions of this list with more products and photos regularly. I’d say daily but don’t want to over-promise yet. I’ll TRY for daily (Monday-Friday) with more product suggestions and original photos…

Writing and Media Tools

1. Reading spot of choice (when Wife hasn’t comandeered it): Sumo Gigantor – reviewed here, and named “The Giant Tribble” for its furry resemblance to a notorious Star Trek villain

2. Tablet of choice: iPad, a tool I use throughout the work day…

3. Tablet case of choice: Snugg – reviewed here

4. zebra stylus pen – I like having a real pen on one end and a stylus on the other. I need to order ink refills.

5. Moleskine Journal – I strongly recommend writing by hand and this has become my journal of choice over the years.

6. iPhone

Recommended Books on my Mind of Late:


7. No One Left to Lie To By Christopher Hitchens

8. The Wisdom of Maimonides by Edward Hoffman

9. Bill and Hillary: The Politics of the Personal by William H. Chafe

10. Escape from Evil by Ernest Becker

11. Walt Disney’s Fantasia by John Culhane

12. Walt Disney’s Animated Characters by John Grant

13. High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton By Ann Coulter

14. The New School by Glenn Reynolds


15. The Hebrew Republic by Eric Nelson

16What Jefferson Read, Ike Watched, and Obama Tweeted by Tevi Troy

17. Lisa De Pasquale’s debut book Finding Mr. Righteous

Siberian Husky Supplies

18. Yoda plush



Trader Joe’s is current source of photographed foods. Their minneolas didn’t blow me away — as their fruit rarely does — perhaps these on Amazon would be better?

Or maybe you have a product that you’d like to see featured or reviewed? Everything from food to books to tech gadgets and accessories to Giant Tribbles is fair game. And if I’m not the one to review it then another of the PJ Lifestyle contributors might have the expertise. Please contact me: DaveSwindlePJM <@> Gmail.com


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