Study Claims Hollywood Is 'Whitewashed,' Lacks Diversity

white oscar academy awards

Leading up to this year’s Academy Awards ceremony, which has been plagued with controversy over its list of all-white nominees in the performance categories, a new report claims a much more pervasive diversity problem. From The Hollywood Reporter:


In one of the most exhaustive and damning reports on diversity in Hollywood, a new study finds that the films and television produced by major media companies are “whitewashed,” and that an “epidemic of invisibility” runs top to bottom through the industry for women, minorities and LGBT people.

A study to be released Monday by the Media, Diversity and Social Change Initiative at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism offers one of the most wide-ranging examinations of the film and television industries, including a pointed “inclusivity index” of 10 major media companies — from Disney to Netflix — that gives a failing grade to every movie studio and most TV makers.

I don’t know which channels or films these guys are watching, but apparently they’ve neglected to notice how many gay characters are in every other show right now.


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