
'Unwoke' With Kevin and Kruiser #75: The Sobriety Episode

(Reminder: Every episode is now in the Unwoke section of our new podcast page. I’ll still be doing teaser blurb posts in Columns as reminders that new episodes are up.)

It had to happen sooner or later, but it took 75 episodes. OK, it didn’t have to happen, this is still America (for a little while longer), after all. Without any discussion ahead of time about what we would be imbibing whilst recording this episode, Kevin and I both ended up drinking water for the entire thing.


I should clarify that we hadn’t had any adult beverages prior to recording either.

It’s a bit of a political potpourri in this one. There’s enough politics to keep the red meat fans happy. We also have some new, and in one case, surprising entries for “Douchebag of the Week Not Named Joe Biden.”


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