
The Kruiser Kabana Episode 211: Pay More Attention to Your Real Reality

(Reminder: all of the podcast episodes are now in the Kruiser Kabana section of our shiny new podcast page. I will be doing little teaser blurbs here and/or in the Morning Briefing for each new episode.)

This episode takes a deeper look at something that I alluded to in a recent “Beyond the Briefing” video. The reality in front of us more often than not is out of sync with the reality presented via various forms of media. It is important for us to focus on what I like to call “Kitchen Table Reality.”


Yeah, it’s a bit philosophical, but I can get that way. Even sober.

I’ve seen too many people get caught up in the other reality, especially in the last two years. I’m not advocating for some sort of denial here, I’m merely engaged in a thought experiment about how to balance it all and appreciate what we have.

My life coaching website will be launching soon.


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