Stephen King Puts Nail in the Coffin of His Career With New Novel Reeking of Woke Propaganda

(Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)

As a total horror fanatic, author Stephen King has been one of my literary heroes for a long, long time. I’ve read a lot of his work, even the not-so-good novels that many readers found to be subpar. Heck, I even managed to find some gems in those books, enjoying the way he crafts characters and comes up with unusual concepts to base his spooky tales around. He truly is a master of the craft.


Well, he was, anyway.

King’s work shifted from great, well-developed characters and creative scenarios to being largely focused on preaching left-wing propaganda, a slippery slope he’s been zooming down for many years now. I don’t mind messaging in my fiction, so long as it is creatively presented in the story’s subtext. I might disagree with the message, but I can still enjoy a well-told yarn. But King has ditched any pretense of being a storyteller in favor of being a propagandist, a fact his latest novel makes perfectly clear.

Related: Oops: Stephen King Outs Himself as a Transphobe

John Nolte, an entertainment writer for Breitbart News, put out a new report covering King’s new book, “Holly,” featuring a popular character with many, many mental health quirks from his hit “Mr. Mercedes” series, and revealed that it’s basically a progressive diatribe about COVID, featuring a white couple as the novel’s antagonists. And guess what? The bad guys are racist anti-vaxxers.

Nolte pointed to a review produced by the folks over at the American Thinker, which details all the hate and bigotry contained in the book:

The villains in Holly are predictable. The antagonists are a husband and wife who are racist, anti-vax, old, and white. The protagonists of the book are equally predictable. They are all women, minorities, homosexuals, or some combination of the three.

Lastly, King’s treatment of Christians is beyond scurrilous. He writes in Holly of a vegan black lesbian who is victimized by her Christian family on religious grounds for not eating meat. This “sin,” King claims, is so dishonorable that several members of the family’s Church gang-rape the black lesbian. When the black lesbian aborts the resultant baby, her family disowns her completely.


Some folks on X chatted about a few excerpts from the book that reveal how blatant and in-your-face the agenda-pushing is in “Holly:”

The report then shared some details about how King tackled the COVID issue in this bloated stinker:

[A]ccording to King, COVID nursing home deaths were all because an orderly refused to get an mRNA “vaccine” because it was developed using cells from aborted fetuses. The Democrat governors who committed murder on an industrial scale by forcing COVID patients into nursing homes go without the least mention.

Now, King is a man who clearly keeps up with the news, but he must not do so from any other perspective than his own, because if he were truly as well informed as he pretends to be, he’d know that the vast majority of these awful nursing home deaths were the result of policies put in place by Democrats, like former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who took patients with COVID infections and stuffed as many as possible in nursing homes around high-risk individuals who ended up catching the illness, developing all kinds of complications, and ultimately succumbing to the sickness.


What’s ironic is that in claiming to fight against individuals and people groups he thinks are bigots—they aren’t—he has become the very monster he believes is in our nation’s closet. What a shame.


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