The media and White House reaction to former President Trump’s response to the Supreme Court report about the abortion decision leak is being met with outrage. Surprise, surprise. But the media’s reactions also signal that reporters would rather change the subject to Trump instead of reliving the Left’s spring 2022 offensive against the justices, which included an assassination attempt.
Hey @SenatorDurbin, clean up SCOTUS first. Announce televised hearings into the traitors and sexual assaulters on the Court: Thomas, Alito and Kavanaugh. Watch your power grow.
We’re going to start protests at your homes to make sure you hear our message. #SCOTUS6 #RuthSentUs
— Ruth Sent Us 🪧 (@RuthSentUs) May 20, 2022
Trump reacted to the Supreme Court report, which found “nothing,” as PJ Media colleague Paula Bolyard put it. And she’s right. If I were Chief Justice John Roberts, I’d ask the SCOTUS marshal’s office to conduct a do-over. I’d ask Michael Chertoff for my money back. It was the former Department of Homeland Security chief whose crack team did the review of the investigation to track down the leaker. He recommended that the high court not allow people to access court documents on their phones and iPads. I wonder how much he charged for that advice.
But, gee whiz, out of 126 interviews conducted, nobody confessed. So, that’s the end of it. There’s more to it than that, of course. They had a forensic IT unit try to determine if the Supreme Court servers could have been hacked, but there was no proof of that. We’re only surprised they didn’t ask Hillary’s buddies at CrowdStrike to do a special report.
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Former President Trump says he knows what might shake things up to get information on the leaker. Put the Politico reporters who received the leak in jail until they reveal who leaked the copy of Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito’s draft opinion on the Dobbs case.
He said in a post:
The Supreme Court has just announced it is not able to find out, even with the help of our “crack” FBI, who the leaker was on the R v Wade scandal. They’ll never find out, & it’s important that they do. So, go to the reporter & ask him/her who it was. If not given the answer, put whoever in jail until the answer is given. You might add the publisher and editor to the list. Stop playing games, this leaking cannot be allowed to happen. It won’t take long before the name of this slime is revealed!
But he wasn’t done. He highlighted his reaction in yet another post.

After The Hill went apoplectic over Trump’s over-the-top reaction, it went straight to the White House to seek a reaction. Because the White House wanted an intelligent and cogent statement sent, officials bypassed awful press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and asked someone else.
“The freedom of the press is part of the bedrock of American democracy. Calling for egregious abuses of power in order to suppress the Constitutional rights of reporters is an insult to the rule of law and undermines fundamental American values and traditions,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said.
Bates may well have said, “Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America, gentlemen!”
But there’s more here to unpack than Trump’s call for jailing the reporter! He’s seen this movie before. Many times. Perhaps the case that may stick with him the most is the last time a reporter went to jail to protect a source. That was Judith Miller of The New York Times, who went to jail for 85 days instead of revealing who told her that Valerie Plame was a CIA spy who sent her husband to Niger to dig up dirt on the Bush administration’s Iraq War claims. She refused to tell a lefty special counsel assigned to get to the bottom of the leak.
Of course, Plame’s name had been initially revealed in 2003 by columnist Robert Novak, but Miller had subsequent dealings with Scooter Libby, who allegedly confirmed what had already been reported.
The Left decided that Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff, leaked Plame’s name. Plame’s gig was an open secret in Washington, D.C. Everyone in high-level D.C. circles knew Plame was a CIA desk jockey, not a covert operator. You can ask Andrea Mitchell, who said as much on TV at the time.
But the scandal was too good to pass up. The Left could get a three-fer! They could deprive Darth Cheney of his top aide, inflate the scandal, and hurt George Bush. They got better. Libby was charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, and lying to investigators. He was prosecuted and served no jail time. He was banished from polite society in Washington with his reputation in tatters and dim prospects for future employment.
Three years later, the State Department’s Richard Armitage admitted to being the leaker.
George Bush commuted Libby’s sentence on his way out the door, but Libby was finished. It was a garbage-time play by Bush and everyone knew it.
And who was watching this drama happening on the pages of his hometown newspaper? A guy who hated the Bush war in Iraq? Who pardoned Scooter Libby? Trump.
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Trump saw the Left go nuts during the summer of 2020 and then double down after the Dobbs decision leak. Like clockwork, the Left’s paid organizers arranged for protests in front of justices’ homes, they broadcast their addresses on an interactive map, and there was an assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
outside #Kavanaugh ‘s house
— The Daily Sneed™🕗 (@Tr00peRR) May 8, 2022
They talk a good game about preserving Democracy, but these moves were calling for violence and intimidation. That’s illegal.
The leak caused real harm to the body politic, not to mention to terrified U.S. Supreme Court justices. We’re amazed that the Biden FBI doesn’t have a database on all the violent Leftist protesters calling for insurrection outside their private homes. Trump sees the duplicity there as well.
I don’t want to see any reporters going to jail, either. I’d rather see the Supreme Court leaker prosecuted fully.
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