Dems Want to Run Constitutional End-Around on Abortion by Reviving the Equal Rights Amendment

(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

The Democrats are still stinging from the overturn of Roe v. Wade last summer and the end of convenient abortion on demand in many states. Prior to the Dobbs decision, they were already consumed by a fervor to either pack the Supreme Court with as many young liberal activist judges as possible, or completely destroy the institution altogether. The hatred for SCOTUS as it is presently balanced is part of the Dems’ overarching agenda, which seeks to gut the Constitution of anything that they deem inconvenient.


Even the Democrats aren’t dumb enough — yet, anyway — to advocate for tearing up the Constitution and starting over. I have no doubt that’s what they would prefer, but they know that it’s a tough sell until they can figure out how to get their Magic Mail-In Ballot Machines working better in red states. Once that happens, the new Bill of Rights will deal with things like the right to an abortion until the “clump of cells” is a senior in high school, and protections for members of preferred oppressed groups to murder as many people as they want.

For the moment, they’re attempting to work within the confines of the law (unless their last name is “Biden”).

In the hope of getting some sort of abortion protection in the Constitution, the Democrats are attempting to resuscitate a dead horse remnant from the 1970s, the Equal Rights Amendment (E.R.A.).

The New York Times:

Last week, the Senate held a vote on the Equal Rights Amendment — the latest development in a century-long effort to amend the Constitution to explicitly guarantee sex equality. The E.R.A. resolution received 51 (bipartisan) votes but fell short of the 60 votes necessary to advance under the Senate’s current rules.

The fight for the E.R.A. remains critical — with Roe v. Wade now toppled, it is in fact more critical than ever. Despite what a majority of Americans think, our Constitution has no explicit guarantee of equal rights for women and men — the only right that cannot be denied or abridged “on account of sex” is the right to vote. In the hands of the current Supreme Court, the existing Constitution’s equality guarantees do far too little to protect women.


That would be the Supreme Court that, at present, has four women on it. According to the Dems, however, we’re supposed to be pretending that it’s still 1955, when an “automatic dishwasher” was synonymous with “wife.”

I wrote that the E.R.A. was a remnant from the ’70s, but as the Times notes, an early version of it was introduced 100 years ago. Then it was brought back in 1972 and died on the ratification vine. I’m proud to say that Arizona was one of the last states to say “yeah…no” to the E.R.A. back then.

What the Dems want to do now is retrofit the ratification rules to finally get the E.R.A. shoehorned into the Constitution. This is a perfect illustration of just how good they are at playing the long game. They never give up on anything.

The pitch, of course, involves patented leftist hysteria and fear mongering. For example:

The Dobbs decision effectively exposes millions of American women to laws that force them to bear children, even those conceived through sexual assault, in states that do nothing to alleviate the burdens, disadvantages and risks stemming from both pregnancy and motherhood.

Everything about procreation is a dystopian hell according to these people. Then there’s the fact the women magically get pregnant through no decision-making processes of their own.

The authors are also advocating for getting Americans in the mindset of changing the Constitution again. It’s been far too long since the last amendment, according to them. They don’t believe this, as we are well aware. If a hint of an amendment that wasn’t minted in the Alinsky factory ever came about, they’d be screaming that the Constitution is too malleable.


While Democrats are looking for new ways to achieve their drive-through abortion Utopia, the rest of America laments the portions of the Constitution that are under relentless assault from the left, most notably the First and Second Amendments.

You know, the two that are most responsible for making the rest of it work.

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