
Kruiser's (Almost) Daily Distraction: I'm Thinking About Being Nicer to People

No, Really

(Kruiser’s Permanote Description: This column is intended to be a lighthearted, short-form way to frequently connect with our cherished VIP readers. Sometimes it will be serious. Sometimes it will be fun. Sometimes it will be a cornucopia of intellectual curiosities and fascinations. OK, maybe not so much the last one. Anyway, as this is a departure for me, I’m including this explanation at the top of each post for a while. Also, non-subscribers can see the first couple of paragraphs so I am in desperate need of filler until we get to the private stuff (subscribe here). Please remember that there is a standing invitation to ask me anything in the comments. Once a week, I’ll answer.)

The world is a little…cranky these days, wouldn’t you say? The social media masses are forever lamenting the tone of things, each person acting as if every other person on the planet is the problem. It’s like everyone is living without access to a mirror, unwilling to look at him or herself.

I try not to be that way these days and I have to admit that my approach is a work in progress. Still, I’m probably prone to more self reflection than the average person, largely because I love thinking about me. Big egos aren’t always toxic, I try to make mine functional.

There are many days when I look at the collective political tizzy in this great country and spend a few moments pondering just how much I’m contributing to the negativity. I have to be detached when doing said pondering because I never feel negative while working. After a life overhaul a few years ago, I never really get worked up about anything. As I explain in the most recent episode of my podcast, all work is cathartic for me. I get the dark stuff out on stage or when I’m writing, then I’m in a great mood.

The optics, however, make it seem as if I’m perpetually in an angst-filled boil.

In other words, the optics kinda/sorta make me part of the problem.

So I’ve been wondering if I should do something to soften that up.


It would be spectacularly off brand for me to tiptoe into Nice Guy Land. I’m a blowhard comedian and a verbal bomb-throwing biased opinion writer. Nobody is watching, listening to, or reading me because they’re in the market for the fuzzy bunny feels. I don’t even feel my own fuzzy bunny.

Were I to change my tone, would it really help change anything? Probably not, but it might clear up my conscience a little, most people would say.

Thankfully, my conscience is as clear as can be when I’m lobbing the aforementioned biased verbal bombs.

In fact, when it comes to politics I may need to be even more me. The other side is in full attack mode and trying to erase people like us from the American political conversation. In the past, I wasn’t a fan of adopting the tactics of the Left because I said I didn’t want to become like them. For the most part, that is still true. However, when it comes to the media battles, I think we need to be more ruthless. Fortunately, I have the skill set to do that and not let it eat away at my soul, psyche, or free time. I drink strong coffee, lob the verbal bombs, then I’m off reading an Irish murder mystery or playing Madden.

It’s a pretty good life.

I am thinking of being nicer to people, though. The people who I’m already nice to, that is. I’m probably not as nice as I think I am and could use some work.

I’m starting to feel like things might be getting deep. Better bail before that bunny shows up.


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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author ofDon’t Let the Hippies ShowerandStraight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.


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