DeVos, For the First Amendment Win
Happy Thursday morning to all my friends in Kruiser Morning Briefing Land. I’m working on some drink specials for everyone.
We’re going to take a slight departure today from the usual plague, riot, and election fare to focus on my favorite member of Team Trump these past few years: Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.
DeVos’s every move since 2017 has been relentlessly criticized by the media. She’s a big fan of the Constitution, which has fallen out of favor with modern American leftists. DeVos has not only been a reassuring constant in the Trump administration, she’s done her best work undoing or redoing some God-awful policies from the Obama administration.
That’s the kind of two-fer I like.
DeVos recently announced the finishing touches on the campus reforms that she has been working on this year. She’s been trying to restore some semblance of sanity to college campuses that have become due process-free hotbeds of intolerance.
Rick wrote about it yesterday:
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced that a final rule “Improving Free Inquiry, Transparency, and Accountability at Colleges and Universities” will go into effect immediately. Any institution that fails to uphold the First Amendment will not receive any grants from the federal government. The rule will also protect student religious groups from discrimination.
This is some of the most import work that has been done by this administration, if not the most glamorous. Much — if not all — of what is ailing the United States right now has to do with the leftist lunacy that has been allowed to take root with impunity on college campuses. Conservative and religious voices have been marginalized for decades. That marginalization has led to what pretty much amounts to the extinction of non-leftist voices in American college life.
The rioting we see going on, as well as the embrace of socialism can be directly traced to the intolerance that is now part of a college education.
Conservative groups are routinely harassed and any speakers they invite often end up being canceled by the universities because the brainwashed progressive students pose a security risk.

On more than one occasion, the security risk erupts into actual violence.
The work DeVos has been doing obviously won’t change that overnight, but something had to be done to at least begin moving the needle in the other direction again.
All that DeVos has been doing is attempt to restore some basic constitutional rights on college campuses that have been cavalierly stripped away over the years by commie academics. Universities should be encouraging the free exchange of ideas. That’s difficult to do when First Amendment rights have been tossed out of the window by the bitter totalitarian shrews in academia.
If you want a really clear picture of just how far left the leftists have gone, just look at their reaction to what DeVos has been doing for students. She’s portrayed as a monster for merely ensuring that college kids are protected by fundamental constitutional rights. They’ve lost it over there, and what DeVos has done to trigger them has been wonderful to watch.

As I’ve written before, one of my favorite things about Sec. DeVos is that she consistently annoys all of the right people.
Let’s hope she gets to stick around for a while longer and keep it up.
Betsy DeVos Brings Back Due Process and Libs Lose It
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.
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