Jill Biden tweeted out her first White House Christmas photos today, and several of the images look like scenes from the live-action Grinch movie. Huge boxes representing wrapped presents with bows around doorways and candy cane pattern striped stockings already stuffed have a department store flair. The first lady’s team put out an extensive explanation of what the decorations are supposed to mean. Apparently, even they know it’s kind of a mess.

However, it is the gingerbread display that is a representation of exactly how tone-deaf this administration is. Keep in mind, Dr. Jill describes her decorations as “inspired by the acts of kindness and experiences that lifted our spirits this year, decorated rooms in the White House reflect the Gifts from the Heart that unite us all: faith, family, friendship, the arts, learning, nature, gratitude, service, community, peace, and unity.”

Let’s walk through it together. Obviously, the central building is the classic Greek-revival style side of the White House. With festive wreaths on every window and bright lights, your eyes travel to the top. Surprisingly, an American flag is atop the White House. It also tops several other buildings in the scene. Hopefully, New York Times writer Mara Gay is not too triggered seeing that symbol of white supremacy adorning a display created by the president’s wife. The POW-MIA flag is also on top of the White House. A reminder of the Americans we left behind in Afghanistan, perhaps? Or of the 13 soldiers killed during the botched withdrawal?
Now, look at the buildings surrounding the White House. Directly to the left is a gas station. You know, the building you go to buy that costly gas that is up an average of 61% over last year? As if you needed a reminder that President Joe Biden’s disastrous energy policies are hitting you in the wallet. Thanks, Dr. Jill. And on the right, a grocery store. Another place where the effective tax called inflation is hitting you when you walk in the door. And it isn’t over. General Mills will be increasing prices again in 2022, and economists project that groceries will rise an average of 2.2% early next year.
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Further to the left, you see a police station like the ones burned down by Joe Biden voters nationwide in the summer of 2020. Those that remain standing are full of the police officers Joe Biden has been demonizing for over a year. The Biden campaign even created an ad that implied that law enforcement officers routinely gun down black Americans during the election. “Why in this nation do black Americans wake up knowing they could lose their lives for just living their lives?” asks Joe Biden:
On the same side as the police station, you see a hospital and a fire station. The buildings full of frontline workers braved the early pandemic to take care of their communities while Joe Biden campaigned from his basement. The Biden administration is forcing those hospital workers to receive a vaccine when many have had COVID-19 already. Democrats nationwide are requiring the same for police and firefighters. Thank you for your service, and take our jab or be gone—way to value their service and importance to their communities.
Near the grocery store, we see the post office. Those workers are not required to get a vaccine. That union also endorsed Joe Biden along with the teachers’ union in the school building next to it. You know, the school that was empty for over a year while the CDC caved to the teachers’ union bosses. Now it is full of masked children who are at least a year behind where they should be, while many also have anxiety and other mental health issues thanks to the panic porn and isolation of the pandemic. Then there is the warehouse, currently empty thanks to the supply chain crisis.
According to the press release:
Situated on the eagle pier table in the State Dining Room is the official 2021 Gingerbread White House. This year’s gingerbread display is inspired by our gratitude and admiration for our Nation’s frontline workers who kept our country running through the global pandemic, often at great risk to themselves and their families.
The display includes eight detailed replicas of community buildings representing frontline workers. To complete the finishing touches, the White House pastry team used 55 sheets of baked gingerbread, 120 pounds of pastillage, 35 pounds of chocolate, and 25 pounds of royal icing.
That’s a lot of sugar to poke working and middle-class Americans right in the eye, reminding them they are less prosperous, less safe, and less secure than they were a year ago.
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