Terrifying: All Eyes Will Be on Georgia Again in January

(AP Photo/Alex Sanz, File)

I want to begin with an apology for the international embarrassment my state has become. Georgia’s performance in the 2020 Election has been shockingly poor. There needs to be significant work to clean up the process before January 5, 2021, when two runoff elections for the Senate will occur.


The voters of Georgia will determine the balance of power in Congress during these runoffs. We already have carpetbaggers from blue states descending on Georgia in hopes of influencing the election. Whether through registering voters or using star power to support Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock, it is going to be a three-ring circus. A lack of confidence in the outcome will be disastrous.

Recounts in Fayette, Floyd, and Walton County have uncovered errors, and now other major errors have been discovered. In DeKalb County, an error of 9,626 votes was discovered. David Shafer, Georgia Republican Chairman shared the news on his Twitter account:

In a state where the presidential election is being decided by a margin small enough to trigger a recount, this is not a small mistake. Even more disturbing, this incorrect count was signed off by two election officials according to Shafer. He went on to say that it was pure happenstance this error was caught because of unmanageable assignments for monitors:

The Republicans have requested an investigation from the Georgia secretary of state. It also appears the election is not complete in Floyd County, despite the errors already found:


This error was originally reported by Heather Mullins at Real America’s Voice:

She also attempted to speak to employees of Dominion who said they could not comment on the errors found to that point:

It’s not clear that the problems with the Dominion system can be identified or corrected in the few weeks before the runoff. It’s also unsettling that the system will be used again so quickly after such a big failure. Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger need to act quickly and decisively to ensure we have an accurate count in a reasonable amount of time in January. If this means calling the legislature into session to modify current law, then do it.


The disaster that was the 2020 election in Georgia is already disturbing enough. Within the state, it is obvious we are evenly divided. Running headlong into what are to be hotly contested runoff elections without a serious examination of the process is not acceptable. Dubious results would be unforgivable. Georgia would become Ground Zero for an explosive reaction under those circumstances.

Georgia residents have a right to expect better. Let’s all hope our leaders can deliver.

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