Clemson Students Protest the Removal of Feminine Hygiene Products From Men’s Bathrooms

(AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins)

This article isn’t just about the absurdity described in the title. It’s also about the insanity that is allowed to exist in what are supposed to be institutions of higher learning.


Using this subject as an example, let’s break down how our education system is collapsing in front of our eyes. Instead of producing well-educated young adults ready to contribute to society, we are producing weak, overly sensitive snowflakes that are offended by everything, most frighteningly by reality itself.

First, the idea to put tampon or pad dispensers in men’s bathrooms had to be initiated by a group of radicals from the far left. The very thought is dripping with not only biological denial but also stupidity. The left is full of ideas, most of which are totally ridiculous. Anyway, this idea had to be presented to the campus administrators, which brings us to the next problem. Instead of stopping this nonsense in its tracks and simply saying no, they placated these delusions and agreed to install the dispensers.

This begs the question as to why. Why would a university like Clemson agree to do something just to appease a small group of mentally disturbed, spoiled lunatics? By doing this the administration did so with full knowledge that the request is bogus and is based on no biological facts. They also did so with total disregard for the feelings of the majority of male students. They made a decision to offend the majority to quiet a few.

The administration then had to order the dispensers and direct their maintenance crews to physically install them. More time and money wasted. More wood for the insane fire of the left and most importantly more distraction instead of education for the students.


In September, the Clemson College Republicans posted this on social media: “If you weren’t aware already, Clemson University has tampon/pad dispensers in the MEN’S restrooms located in Cooper Library. We truly live in [clown] world.”

Following that post, the university quietly took the correct action and removed the dispensers that never should have been installed in the first place.

Predictably, this brought about fifty wackos scurrying out of their lairs carrying signs and protesting the removal. The College Fix reported on Friday that, “About 50 students marched across Clemson University on Wednesday to demand that menstrual products be returned to men’s bathrooms in Cooper Library and that the Clemson College Republicans be reprimanded for their role in the tampons’ removal.”

“Take Back Pride” holds an annual march, but the main student organizer of the event, Pan Tankersley, declared, “Today, we are marching for the reinstatement of the menstrual products in the men’s restrooms in Cooper Library and throughout campus.”

The wackos’ Instagram account for the “Take Back Pride March” claimed that once the College Republicans criticized the dispensers they were then vandalized with “hateful slurs towards the transgender community before the university removed all traces of their existence.” The airheads then demanded “formal repercussions towards the Clemson College Republicans for contributing to a campus climate that encourages transphobic rhetoric and jeopardizes the safety of LGBTQIA+ students.”


This is a typical example of projection by the left. They are so narcissistic that they think anything they want they get to have. By requesting that something as offensive as feminine hygiene dispensers be installed in the restrooms for biological males, THEY were the ones contributing to the division and discontent on the campus. They want to shove this nonsense down the throats of rational-thinking people and expect everyone to accept their inappropriate pipe dreams.

Chris Miller is Clemson’s Dean of Students and President of Student Affairs. He responded to the protest in this manner: “It’s always good that our students have access to their campus. The ability to assemble and speak freely unencumbered just goes to the heart of what a university is and what a university is for.”

Fine, that’s a nice boilerplate response. However, I hope Mr. Miller “Mans” up and refuses to reinstall the machines in the men’s restrooms. They never should have been there in the first place. Here’s an idea: why not think of the bigger picture and stop offending the majority by accommodating a small group of pretentious whiners?


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