As I’ve mentioned before, I believe certain groups with the words “world” or “international” in their titles are seething with commies, such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). I do not include “Disney World”…wait a minute…let me get back to you on that.
Chimpanzee enthusiast Jane Goodall recently spoke of the world population “problem” at a WEF shindig. She suggested in straightforward terms that, to survive as a civilization, we carbon-spewing humans need to reduce our population to what it was 500 years ago — roughly 500,000 people. In other words, billions of us will have to die so that a lucky half a million people can go about their lives.
Check out Jane:
Jane Goodall at the World Economic Formum… “We can solve all the worlds problems (like climate change)… if we reduce the world population to where it was 500 years ago”…
— Pelham (@Resist_05) July 22, 2022
If my math is on point, that means over 99% of the people on the planet are on the chopping block.
FACT-O-RAMA! You can buy a carbon-neutral Jane Goodall Barbie doll. Genocide sold separately.
By now, you may be thinking, “Relax, KDJ, and take off your tinfoil hat. Who cares what some old monkey lady thinks anyway?” Well, she’s not alone…
Now that billionaire Bill Gates can’t pal around with his deceased friend Jeffrey Epstein, he has another mission — and it kinda sorta looks like his new goal is to eradicate a lot of people.
PEDO-RAMA! Bill Gates’ ex-wife Melinda has admitted Bill’s relationship with Epstein was a factor in their divorce.
Gates said of the global population, “If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps ten or 15%.”
Check out Bill at a 2010 Ted Talk as he speaks about how we need to lower CO2:
REMINDER: As we speak the biggest death cult in the history of the world is operating out in the open. They run your government. They run your major corporations. These people will kill more people than anyone else in history combined.
A billion dead. Billion. It’s coming.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) July 29, 2022
How exactly are vaccines and health care going to lower the population?
Also, why has the computer geek become the largest private owner of farmland in the United States?
FARM-O-RAMA! Bill Gates owns 269,000 acres of farmland in several dozen states. Even though this represents less than 1% of all the farmland in the U.S., it does make him the largest private owner of American farmland.
Now is a good time to mention that China is buying up a lot of American farmland as well. Almost 37 million acres of our farmland are foreign-owned. That’s roughly the size of Iowa.
China is also buying farms near our Air Force bases.
Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) finally introduced a bill to stop China from buying our farmland. He had this to say on Fox News’s Hannity:
We introduced H.R. 3847, that’s Curing America’s Land From Foreign Interference Act, to specifically try to force that, to try to stop the Chinese Communist Party, our enemy, our adversary, from being able to pick up and buy American land. Can you imagine, can you imagine if we woke up one day and oh Khrushchev is buying up a bunch of dirt across the country? Can you imagine what we would do? The reaction would’ve been off the charts but yet we are kind of asleep at the switch right now while the Chinese Communist Party is taking specific steps like Michael outlined to attack our country.
Just a reminder: Bill Gates kicked off the Nov. 2018 “Reinvented Toilet” Expo in Beijing, China by speaking with a jar of human feces next to him.

Farmland, commies, Bill Gates, and poop. Where is this article going? Read on…
The Netherlands, the European’s Union’s (EU) greatest exporter of meat, is looking to cut about 30% of its farmland and livestock. Why? Apparently, farm animals are creating what some people believe to be too much nitrogen and ammonia. So the obvious answer is to shut down 30% of the farms that feed much of Europe. What could go wrong?
Sri Lankans, facing devastating shortages of food and fuel, recently overran the homes of their Prime Minister and President.
The protests came in response to Sri Lanka’s decision to go woke and raise its Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) score. The government mandated that farmers begin using only organic fertilizer. Little did they realize that making the change would reduce crop yields by 40–50%. Tea, which is the country’s greatest export, fell far short of the annual average, and Sri Lanka went broke.
Who is looking to help them out? China and the IMF.
Wokeism is causing food shortages in Sri Lanka and probably soon in Europe. At the same time, carbonphobe Bill Gates as well as the Chi-coms are scooping up American farmland. Will those nasty, nitrogen-creating cows and their delicious friends, the pigs, disappear? Are food shortages coming to America? Will be meat be for special occasions only?
I”ll let the WEF answer that in the video below.
Meat will be a special treat. Read more:
— World Economic Forum (@wef) April 9, 2018
Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov told us in the ’80s that there were four steps to the commies taking over the United States without firing a shot: demoralization (wokeness), destabilization (think George Floyd riots), crisis (think food shortages), and normalization (the commies take over and make it all better). Will the impending food shortages and high gas prices push us into the crisis phase?
Watch Bezmenov and decide for yourself.