
When Demand for Racism Exceeds Supply, Fake It! Guess Who Scribbled an 'N' Bomb on a High School Wall This Time

AP Photo/Lee Jin-man

These stories have become as ubiquitous and annoying as that 1-877-Kars 4 Kids jingle.

A “white supremacist” writes something racist on a school wall. The students are SHOCKED! How could a drooling, white nationalist goober infiltrate their scholastic utopia? (Was it the janitor???) The angry students skip class to protest the hatred! White students tearfully rally around their black friends and vow to protect them from the tiki-torch-wielding bushwhackers who are likely patrolling the streets at night, nooses in hand, looking for a minority to lynch.

The school’s principal or dean valiantly vows to oust the seething bigots and restore the racial equilibrium that has so violently been shattered.

Finally, there’s a break in the case!

A black kid did it. Again.

There has been yet another Jussie Smollett copycat caper of racial hatred that doesn’t exist, this time at Our Lady of Mercy School for Young Women in Rochester, N.Y.

The following message was scribbled on a restroom wall: This school is filled with a bunch of [plural of N-bomb]. Get out or else!

It was not immediately clear who was expected to “get out or else!”

Form the battle lines! True racism has come to Lady of Mercy! Cue up the virtue signaling! Take to the streets and protest before looking into the situation! We need tears, LOTS of tears!

“I cried a lot,” Janna Smith, a senior at the school, stated. “I felt ‘what am I doing if things like this keep happening every day?’ I talked to my mom and she said this happened for a reason, use this to make change.”

Quick, get a BLM flag from your Aunt Tifa!

Apparently, Lady of Mercy is a hotbed of bigotry!

“I’ve seen my fair share of racist acts, microaggressions, things like that that happen at Mercy,” said former student Morgan Reese. “I have never seen anything to the level of what I saw today and it scares me that my two younger sisters have to go to school somewhere where they don’t necessarily feel welcome.”

Has Morgan learned nothing in the last four years? Fake hate crimes are all the rage. Surely the school staff smells the oldest hoax in history, right?

Wrong! The faculty, not to be out-duped by a bunch of young girls, fell hard for the fake hate bait as well and sent this email to parents of the defiantly not racist students:

Dear Mercy Parents and Guardians,

This morning, just before Advisement, we interrupted classes with an overhead announcement. We informed the students of graffiti that was found in one of the students’ bathrooms. This was our message to the students:

“Please pardon this interruption for this important announcement. This morning, we found graffiti in a high school bathroom that wrote out the n-word and said, ‘Get out or else.’ We are investigating this and will hold those responsible, whether they are Mercy people or not.

Let us be clear, anyone who uses this language and is disparaging to our Mercy girls and Mercy community is not welcome at Mercy. We are unequivocally a school that embraces diversity and inclusion. We are a Catholic school, committed to gospel values of faith, hope, and love. The world is full of hate and violence. We want all of you to reflect on how Mercy can be a place of love and peace. What role do you play in creating such an environment?

Counselors, administrators, and Mrs. Dickey will be available in the Wellness and Counseling Center during Advisement and throughout the day to support anyone who feels unsafe. We will convene assemblies on this topic this week and will be notifying your parents of this. Thank you; that is all.”

Tears, flags, and protests: the mostly white students did their jobs. The faculty vowed swift justice and volunteered the soft shoulders of counselors, administrators, and even Mrs. Dickey, in case frightened students needed reassurance of diversity, equity, and inclusion at Lady of Mercy. Not to mention, there would be programming, meetings, and even more diversity training.

Police response was swift and the investigation went quickly. A black kid did it.

Imagine going to a school so free of racism, you feel the need to invent some. Poor lambs. The struggle is NOT real.

Hey, wait a minute! The school stated the following: “Let us be clear, anyone who uses this language and is disparaging to our Mercy girls and Mercy community is not welcome at Mercy.”

Does this mean the hoaxer will get booted out of the school? HAHAHAHAH! I’m guessing not.

If only there was a way for the school administrators to have seen this coming! Wait, I know: lists over 460 incidents, and a ton of these hate hoaxes took place in schools and colleges.

Or maybe the staff, including Mrs. Dickey, should read PJ Media.

Related: Yet Another Hate Crime Hoax, This Time in Maryland

Related: Illinois College Students Want Hate-Crime Culprit Expelled — Until They Find Out Who She Is

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Related: No Racism? No Problem! College Racial Hoaxes Are Back

The nervous maidens of Lady of Mercy may now return to their hallowed halls of learning. They all know who their bathroom bigot is. The janitor did NOT do it, but I’m guessing he cleaned up the fakeness. Time to wrap up that BLM flag until the next painfully obvious attempt by a minority to garner attention, sow hatred, and show the world just how racist it truly is.


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