Dismantling One of the Pride Cult's Arguments for Gay Bible Characters

Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons / Guanaco and subsequent editors, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons / Collage created by Chris Queen

It’s not enough that the Pride Cult wants to undo Judeo-Christian beliefs. These people also want to remake the Bible in their own queer image. Not long ago, I read an article about how progressive churches and schools of divinity are engaging in what John Murawski of RealClearInvestigations refers to as “Queering Jesus,” and it was sickening.


The Rainbow Mafia loves to try to turn heroes of the faith into gay men. One of the longest-held gay Bible tropes is that David and Jonathan were gay lovers. Those who argue for this ridiculous interpretation of scripture generally cite two passages.

In 1 Samuel 20, Jonathan learns that his father, King Saul, intends to kill David, who God anointed to replace Saul as king. When Jonathan delivers the news and David knows he has to go into hiding, verse 41 tells us, “And as soon as the boy had gone, David rose from beside the stone heap and fell on his face to the ground and bowed three times. And they kissed one another and wept with one another, David weeping the most.”

In 2 Samuel 1:26, when David learns of Jonathan’s death in battle, he laments, “I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; very pleasant have you been to me; your love to me was extraordinary, surpassing the love of women.”

Q Spirit, a website that “promotes LGBTQ spirituality,” says of David and Jonathan, “It’s impossible to know whether David and Jonathan expressed their love sexually. Some consider David to be bisexual, since the Hebrew scriptures also recount how he committed adultery with Bathsheba and later made her one of his eight wives. There is no doubt that many people today do honor David and Jonathan as gay saints.”

A site called “Would Jesus Discriminate?” writes:


David states the love he shared with Jonathan was greater than what he had experienced with women. Have you ever heard a heterosexual man say he loved his male friend more than his wife? This goes well beyond deep friendship between two heterosexual men.

In this story, we have a direct biblical answer to our question: Can two people of the same sex live in a loving, committed relationship with God’s favor? The answer is “yes,” because Jonathan and David did, and the Bible celebrates their relationship.

Naturally, all of this is untrue. GotQuestions reminds us that “the Hebrew word for ‘love’ used here covers a broad range of meanings and does not mean ‘romantic’ or ‘sexual’ love unless the context demands it.”

Related: The Pride Cult Really Hates Judeo-Christian Values

On Friday, one of my favorite podcasts, the Naked Bible Podcast, discussed 1 Samuel 20. The podcast has featured rotating scholars since the passing of founder Dr. Michael Heiser in February, and Dr. Michael Brown was on to discuss the chapter.

In addition to sharing some of the interesting nuggets of the Hebrew language in this chapter, Brown took the gay myth head-on, citing an extensive footnote from one of his books:

Regarding the act of kissing (as distinguished from “making out”), note that kissing was a common way of saying hello or goodbye in the ancient Near East, as it is in many cultures to this day. Furthermore, if all the kisses that the Bible recorded were interpreted in sexual terms, then Isaac would have been erotically involved with his own son (see Gen 27:26, “Then his father Isaac said to him, ‘Come here, my son, and kiss me.’”), Laban would have been erotically involved with his nephew Jacob (see Gen 29:13, “He embraced him and kissed him and brought him to his home”), Laban would have been erotically involved with his grandchildren and daughters (see Gen 31:55, “Early the next morning Laban kissed his grandchildren and his daughters and blessed them”), Esau would have been erotically involved with his brother Jacob (see Gen 33:4, “But Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him”), Joseph would have been erotically involved with all his brothers (see Gen 45:15, “And he kissed all his brothers and wept over them”), Jacob would have been erotically involved with his grandsons (see Gen 48:10, “So Joseph brought his sons close to him, and his father kissed them and embraced them”), and Joseph would have been erotically involved with his just-deceased father Jacob (see Gen 50:1, “Joseph threw himself upon his father and wept over him and kissed him”) – and these are just examples from the first book of the Bible, Genesis!


Brown also pointed out in an article at the Stream:

Jonathan became a married man, with children. And, much more significantly, David married numerous women, almost destroying his whole life because of his lust for a married woman named Bathsheba. He ended up committing adultery with her, getting her pregnant, and then killing her husband (see 2 Samuel 11). This is not what gay men do!

“Let this ridiculous myth be laid to rest once and for all,” Brown concludes. “David and Jonathan were as heterosexual as they come. And heterosexual men, just like heterosexual women, can enjoy significant, deep, same-sex friendships that are 100% non-sexual and non-romantic. Thank God for that.”

We can definitely be grateful to God for friendships and for the fact that these accounts from the Bible are true to His commands. The Pride Cult is trying awfully hard, bless their hearts, but the truth isn’t on their side.


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