Time to Launch Rescue Operations at Children's Gender Clinics

(AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

On New Year’s Day, California law SB 107 went into effect, effectively turning the state into a haven for children who have been deceived into believing they can change their gender. When the bill was passed last October, I wrote:


Gov. Gavin Newsom signed SB-107 into law on Thursday, setting up California as a sanctuary state for minors seeking medical and psychological assistance in their delusional quest to become a member of the opposite sex. Now, once a confused or manipulated kid sets foot on the cursed California soil, the state can take “temporary emergency jurisdiction” over the minor “because the child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care.”

This event sadly meshes with another story that’s been playing out over the past few years. James Younger of Texas has been fighting his ex-wife in court for custody of their two sons. Younger’s ex, pediatrician Anne Georgulas, has been transitioning the younger boy, seven-year-old James, into a girl named Luna. Younger has been battling to save James from his mother’s manipulation, but the Texas court has just granted her permission to move the lads to California.


Related: Texas Father Fears His Son Could Be Medically Transitioned After Court Ruling

Even when there isn’t a contentious divorce in the mix, far too many parents have climbed aboard the trans train and are willing to put their children through life-wrecking procedures. Yet studies show that the vast majority (anywhere from 60% to 94%) of kids who experience gender dysmorphia will outgrow it. Meanwhile, almost all children who are placed on puberty blockers go on to take cross-sex hormones. It’s patently obvious that woke culture pushes young children into thinking they might be happier as the opposite sex, then the affirmation-happy medical community is right there to lock them into it for life. It’s an evil continuum, pure and simple.

Far too many children do not have a sane adult in their lives, and even otherwise competent parents who love their children more than themselves can be taken in by the powerful push to trans the kids and the pseudo-medical jargon in which it’s packaged. And while all kids — and parents — go through phases and learn as they go, the trans mongers take advantage of this natural evolution to lock children into a lifetime of medical and mental limitation. It’s time to borrow the tactics of the successful pro-life initiative, Operation Rescue, and start standing up for children at the transing clinic entrance. It may be the only place where some of them get to hear the other side of the story. And unlike at an abortion clinic, transgender patients and their families will make numerous visits and have many opportunities to change their minds.


Here are some tips for running an effective intervention demonstration:


Remember: You’re the sane ones. Act like it. Avoid religious garb and symbolism — many of these people already distrust the church. Instead, focus on a rational, science-based presentation. Keep your voice friendly and soothing. No doubt, the Rainbow Troopers will show up to counter-protest and escort families into the butcher shop. Let them be as hideous as they want, with their deranged technicolor freak show; as we all know, most kids have a natural aversion to clowns.


See above: once the Rainbow Shirts show up, they’re bound to be aggressive toward the brave souls who oppose their agenda. Bring your biggest protestors and place them on the edge of your group closest to the clown show.


Recruit detransitioners to appeal directly to the families visiting the clinics. They can give powerful testimony about the downside of something that families have been told will be a miraculous cure for their problems.


A quick glimpse at your signs may be the only exposure some kids (and even some parents) have to the inconvenient truths and suppressed information about the transgender craze. Make them pithy and impactful. Some examples:

  • Puberty Blockers = Chemical Castration
  • Puberty Blockers Cause Permanent Harm
  • What if You’re Wrong?
  • Most Kids Outgrow Gender Dysphoria
  • Get Help at SexChangeRegret.com

The legal battles have long been settled about how to protest at clinic entrances, thanks to the pro-life movement. As the transgender craze claims more and more children, the clinic entrance may be the last, best place to fight for these kids’ futures.



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