To the Virtue-Signaling Left, Happy Genocide Day! (To Everybody Normal and Decent, Happy Thanksgiving)

Is there anything leftists interact with that they don't utterly ruin? Can they touch anything without leaving behind a putrid stench? If someone found a way to instantly heal paralyzed, blind children with leukemia, the Left would find a way to complain about it. Nobody anywhere asks for their advice or opinions about anything, so they have to follow us around and wag their fingers in our faces to get the attention they crave.


And so it is with increasing frequency every Thanksgiving, another American holiday at which the leftists now take umbrage. That they've decided not to celebrate Thanksgiving is something that absolutely nobody cares about. So they then insist that you don't celebrate it either, on the twisted premise that the holiday celebrates not a legitimate act of Indian/Pilgrim diversity and unity, but is rather a fairy tale concocted to whitewash the alleged genocide that was to follow.

At this point it should be obvious that whatever the Left opposes is not for the supposed benefit of their ever-shuffling victim class, but for purposes of the accumulation of political power. When they oppose American traditions or holidays, they do so only to destroy the social cohesion that the traditions and holidays foster. But while Leftists deliberately obfuscate the meaning of words in order to gaslight their audience, I'll concede that some classical liberals, independents, and even some conservatives are simply confused or misinformed. It is for them that I'll be undeservedly generous and explain precisely what does and does not constitute genocide.

War is not genocide. War is terrible, and civilians are always killed, both inadvertently and intentionally. But that alone doesn't qualify as genocide.  The Geneva Conventions define genocide as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group." The Allied bombing of Dresden wasn't genocide because our aim wasn't the eradication of Germans. The Hamas terrorist attack this past month was genocide because Hamas's aim is the eradication of Jews.


Now before you Leftists start breaking windows, I'll ask you to read the definition again. You'll notice that the Geneva Conventions didn't include "economic class" or "political class" in the ranks of the targeted groups. Don't you know what that means? It means the Soviets can send millions of "bourgeois" to die in Siberian gulags, as well as starve millions of Ukrainian "kulaks'", the Khmer Rouge can murder a third of their population in less time than a single American presidential term, the Maoists can kill over 60 million Chinese "counterrevolutionaries," and so on and so forth, and the empty suits at the UN won't bat an eye because, technically, it's not genocide. So you see? It benefits you!

Once you excuse the mass murder by socialist and communist governments as proletarian liberations, the track record for 20th and 21st century genocides boil down to European Jews, Armenian and Sudanese Christians, Rwandan Tutsis, the Kurds, the Yazidis, and the Uyghurs, none of which the Left cares about because the perpetrators weren't white. As for the one who was white, the Left loved Hitler up until the minute he attacked Stalin.

But getting back to my nagging insistence that we use words that describe what actually happened, what the Europeans, and later Americans, did to Indians was not genocide. What they did do was engage in a series of low-level wars over a span of roughly two centuries. During this time, Indian tribes were perfectly willing to team up with White Man Bad when it served their interests against enemy tribes. Indeed, whatever land was "stolen" by whites had previously been stolen by warring tribes from one another. And while horrible atrocities, including the wanton massacre of innocents, were committed by both sides, none of it crossed the threshold into genocide. And while Indian civilians and noncombatants were treated poorly by the victorious whites (though not nearly as poorly as those captured by enemy tribes), that is par for the course of human history and has been the gold standard of conquering civilizations of all colors and ethnicities.


Before White Man Bad landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620, the Indian tribes in that region, and across the Western Hemisphere, had been warring for millennia. They enslaved one another. They tortured and sacrificed their male prisoners, and they raped their female ones. And they "stole" plenty of land from one another. So get your history straight. If you steal a house after beating and expelling its owner, and then the following year the same exact thing happens to you, you don't get to whine too loudly about it.

To Native Americans upset that your ancestors were conquered and forced onto reservations, you have the right to be upset about that. But by that standard, wouldn't you be more upset at the enemy tribes who treated you far worse? Or is that option not as, ahem, lucrative?

To white progressives feigning outrage on behalf of Native Americans, both they and we see through you. You don't care about Native Americans, or blacks, or Muslims, or transgenders, or the poor, or any other group whose suffering (real or alleged) you bandwagon onto. You care about your political agenda, which is itself simply a medium through which you project your snotty arrogance onto those you consider beneath you.

But here's the thing. If you don't want to celebrate Thanksgiving, then don't celebrate Thanksgiving. You will not be missed. Go sulk in a corner someplace else. Go celebrate Genocide Day or Hate White People Day or Perpetual Victim Day or whatever it is you value. And if you truly abhor the modern lifestyle that American capitalism has bequeathed you, nobody is stopping you from moving out to a prairie or forest to live as one with the earth.


Ever experience a harsh New England winter? Go stand in one for ten minutes and then tell us about how badly you still want to build a village, hunt for food with arrows and traps, and start fires with your bare hands. Ever experience a harsh Arizona summer? Go stand in one for ten minutes and then tell us about how badly you still want to carve an abode out of a cliffside, hunt for food with arrows and traps, and hope the local water hole doesn't dry up. I certainly have zero desire to live my "culture" and "lifestyle" as it was in 1620, but then again, I'm not blaming everything wrong in my life today on the Islamic Turks who were busy plundering and colonizing their way across Eastern Europe during that time.

 So put your trust fund money where your privileged mouth is and give up your heated and cooled home, your electricity and modern plumbing, your toilets and toothbrushes, your refrigerator and oven, your dishwasher and microwave, your warm beds and furniture, your internet and cell phone, your flat screen TVs and computers, your social media and Netflix, your cars and cruise ships, your grocery stores and restaurants, and your sixteen-syllabled caffeinated beverages. Give up the constitutional freedoms guaranteed to you by those "dead white men" and return to the law of the jungle.  


Not gonna do that? Didn't think so.

Don't let those who expect to be taken seriously about the planet melting, the glories of socialism, or gender fluidity tell you anything about "fairy tales." The original Thanksgiving is a historically documented event. It occurred sometime during the autumn of 1621, and was attended by over twice as many Pokanoket Indians as Pilgrims. The two peoples, light-skinned conservative Christians and dark-skinned polytheists, ate together as friends and equals. That's why the Left hates it.

To all humble and loving Americans, both native and immigrant, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.


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