I’m still smarting over the news “Waiting for ‘Superman'” didn’t earn an Oscar nomination this morning. Perhaps it was too much to ask that a well reviewed film eviscerating teachers unions would win over both critics and Academy voters.
That leaves “Inside Job,” which did nab a nom this morning, as the front runner to win the gleaming gold statuette Feb. 27. The film chronicles the country’s economic meltdown, arguing our economic system demands regulation to keep it on track. Most film critics nodded sagely in agreement.
Not Kyle Smith. The New York Post’s conservative film critic bucked conventional wisdom and savaged the film, directed by the same fellow who gave us the anti-Iraq War polemic “No End in Sight.”
WorldNetDaily also slammed the film, calling it pro-Obama propaganda that let government off the hook for the country’s economic crisis.
Politics play a major role in the Best Documentary category, so honoring a film that takes a swipe at our economic system and is embraced by Film Critic Nation seems like a sure thing.
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