They Really Do Think We’re that Stupid

The war against morality is in full swing in America.  It appears the extreme left-wing is winning.  It’s not just fake Catholics like the Democrats’ leader in the House Nancy Pelosi or her equally spiritually vapid counterpart in the Senate John Kerry.  They are just inspiration for the small, and I want to stress small, but incredibly determined army of the morally bankrupt in America.  The last election had no room for so-called social issues.  In fact, both political parties agreed to marginalize and ignore the fabric of who we are.  This abandonment of principle led to the defeat of two Senatorial candidates.  Well, it was that and their ham-handed defense of the nation’s morality.  The economy and jobs were issues one, two and three.  But I contend it’s the lack of a robust defense of the nation’s morality that has led us to this sorry state to begin with.  And it’s all part of the left’s plan.


“Don’t judge me man,” is a statement that only partially describes the extreme left-wing’s visceral aversion to faith.  The success of the liberal agenda is only possible is Americans are divorced from any sense of morality.  Admittedly the actions of a select few have made this task easier.  Pedophile priests, conservatives who decide to have extra-marital affairs or politicians who abandon defense of a morality in America, are used to great effect by plotting leftists.  But these human failings notwithstanding, it’s instructive for Americans to look at how the left uses these cases as billy clubs to indict faith in general.  Does human failure reflect negatively on the message of religion?  Americans must ask, because our complicit media won’t, what does the left find so objectionable about the world’s major religions?  Is it the respect for life?  Is it the idea of peace on Earth and good will toward men?  Is it the clear understanding of right and wrong?  Humans fail.  That’s part of our nature.  But that doesn’t or shouldn’t open the door to bash faith in general.

How else could the most extreme left-wing president ever to occupy the White House possibly win re-election?  The economy is in the toilet, unemployment is sky high, yet Americans re-elected a man who promised to raise taxes on a certain group so as to redistribute their wealth to others who’ve suffered under his polices.  A few short years ago our petulant, novice president would have been laughed out of Washington along with his band of acolytes.  But that didn’t happen.  The reason it didn’t happen is perhaps the left’s greatest victory over America to date.  A moral people would dismiss President Obama’s redistributionist polices as immoral.   They’d reject the idea of passing unplayable debt onto generations to come.  Even children know it’s wrong to take, by force, what is earned by one and give it away to others.  But liberals, through the press and popular culture, have been successful in convincing Americans that their tax money is better used in the hands of some wasteful and inefficient programs in Washington.  They’ve forgotten that the money would be better used by private charities that make sure the truly needy would get help.  But suffering and fear can be powerful tools to force men and women, worried about providing the basics for their family, to compromise their most deeply held beliefs.  Excessive government created our nation’s ills.  And the left is ready with more government as the only cure for those ills.  Many Americans find themselves asking, “How did we get here?”  The answer rests in us.  We failed to push back against the left-wing’s attacks on the nation’s morality.


President Obama’s support among Catholics eroded in the 2012 election over 2008. Still, he won 51% of the Catholic vote.  The administration’s forcing of Catholic institutions to violate their religious doctrine, mandating they pay for sterilization, contraception and abortifacient drugs in their insurance policies, didn’t resonate with enough of the community.  They can’t shoulder all the blame.  Many alleged news outlets neglected to cover the story about the largest religious lawsuit in the nation’s history filed by Catholics to stop the Obamacare mandate.  Still it begs the question, if a majority of Catholics can’t stand up for themselves, why should the rest of the country?   Left-wingers oppose crosses on public land.  They’ve targeted the Ten Commandments in court houses.  They’ve even attacked Charlie Brown.  The Arkansas Society of Free Thinkers protested school kids being taken to see the play, “A Charlie Brown Christmas” at a church.  The so-called “free thinkers” said, “While everyone loves Charlie Brown, the religious content of the program is a problem, as is the trip to a church to see it.”  The community in Little Rock Arkansas greeted the controversy with a collective, “ho-hum”.  Did it ever occur to the “free thinkers” that perhaps parents and kids deserved a choice?  Why do the kids, whose parents have no problem with religion, have to miss out because a select few find religion objectionable?  Just opt out.  But that would be too democratic. And the left can’t have that.  The tyrannical minority must impose their will on the majority under the cloak of tolerance.  A moral people would recognize the “free thinker’s” actions as being anything but tolerant.  But it seems America is finally succumbing to the relentless left-wing onslaught and losing our moral core.


We repudiate all morality which proceeds from supernatural ideas or ideas which are outside the class conception. In our opinion, morality is entirely subordinate to the interests of the class war. Everything is moral which is necessary for the annihilation of the old exploiting order and for uniting the proletariat.  Those words, in one form or another, are found in the mission statements of most left-wing groups in America.  Hell, it was the template of Obama 2012 campaign.  The fact that the American left’s agenda meshes so perfectly with the words of Vladimir Lenin, should shock any freedom loving American.   In 1787, Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee, observed the progression of great societies.  He contended that democracies, “will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.”  Time was that a majority of Americans fought the immorality the left was selling, if only as a means of avoiding the whole dictatorship thing.   But Americans are increasingly deciding that the moral battles are no longer worth fighting. They forget morality was primarily responsible for our nation’s greatest historical successes. And liberals are giddy at the prospect that Americans are losing faith, literally and figuratively.  They’ve convinced a majority of us that a moral center is no longer required.  They think we’re that stupid.  The question remains, when will men and women of good conscience stop proving them right?



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