Clear As Mud: Tim Walz Makes Things Worse

Townhall Media

Earlier this week, the Democrats’ vice presidential nominee called for removing one of the Constitution’s most important measures to ensure that the votes of all Americans count. Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.) spoke at a fundraiser at the home of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) on Tuesday and called for abolishing the Electoral College.


As Matt reported, “‘I think all of us know the Electoral College needs to go,’ Walz said, according to pool reporters who were there. ‘We need a national popular vote…. But that’s not the world we live in.’”

Walz knows what’s up. The Democrats continually win the popular vote in presidential elections, which means that relying on the popular vote could give the Dems perpetual victories.

Of course, this is the reason for the Electoral College. The Democrats’ popular vote wins are the result of the outsized influence of urban areas that overwhelmingly vote Dem. The Electoral College serves as a check and balance on that disproportionate influence, so it levels the playing field and gives all voters a chance to speak up.

You might even say that the Electoral College is good for democracy because it gives all the states a fairer shake in deciding who is president. Our Founding Fathers were smart for devising a system like this. But the Electoral College is bad for Democrat power, which is why people like Walz call for demolishing it.

Related: Even Sports Media Is Getting in on the Whitewashing of Tim Walz

Ever since Walz made his statement, he has faced calls for clarity, especially because the Harris campaign distanced itself from it. He appeared on ABC News on Wednesday for an interview with NFL star turned “Good Morning America” co-host Michael Strahan. Strahan sought some clarity from the governor on his Electoral College comments.


“I wanna go back to something you said on Tuesday,” Strahan began. You said, ‘I think all of us know the Electoral College needs to go,’ but the campaign came out later that night, and they said that's not their stance.” 

“Well, it's not the campaign's position,” Walz admitted. That sounds pretty straightforward, but he decided to dig a bigger hole of confusion.

“And the point I'm trying to make is that there's folks that feel every vote must count in every state,” he continued. “And I think that some folks feel that's not the case. Our campaign does that. And the point I'm saying is, I'm in five states in two days. We're out there making the case that the campaign's position is clear that that's not their position. Their position and my position is to make sure that everybody understands their vote no matter what state they're in matters.”

Totally no confusion at all, right? Don’t worry; it gets worse.

“So that's something that you and the vice president here disagree on?” Strahan asked for clarification. 

“I have spoken about it in the past that she's been very clear on this, and the campaign and my position is the campaign's position,” Walz concluded.

Wait — wut? Is Walz saying that he and the rest of the campaign are against uprooting one of the most important features of our constitutional system, or is he claiming that the campaign agrees with him despite denying that it does?

As my friend and colleague at Twitchy, Sam J., wrote, “Honestly, we can't tell for sure what the Hell he's trying to say here (much like his co-hort on the ticket) but it sounds a lot like ol' Timmy may have gotten in trouble for openly talking about destroying one of the most basic and important fundamentals of our country.”


He’s such a knucklehead!

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