Ron DeSantis Strikes Another Blow Against the Rainbow Mafia

AP Photo/John Raoux

For so many years, the refrain from the LGBTQetc movement was that gay people are "just like you.” That was the narrative when gay people were trying to gain acceptance into wider society.


Of course, we’ve seen what has happened since then. The Rainbow Mafia quickly kicked into high gear, and suddenly every aspect of our lives has to cater to the Pride Cult.

This includes the travel industry. It’s hard to visit a travel website that doesn’t have a special page for LGBTQ travel tips. I don’t really understand what special needs gays and lesbians have when it comes to travel — and I probably don’t want to know. But if gay people are “just like us,” as they’ve reassured us time and again, why can’t they book a hotel or make a restaurant reservation without special instructions?

Florida's tourism industry is betting that the LGBTQ crowd can travel without special assistance. It has removed the “LGBTQ travel” page from its tourism website, which has leftists’ panties in a wad.

“Key West, Fort Lauderdale, Wilton Manors and St. Petersburg are among several Florida cities that have long been top U.S. destinations for LGBTQ+ tourists,” reports the Associated Press. “So it came as a surprise this week when travelers learned that Florida’s tourism marketing agency quietly removed the ‘LGBTQ Travel’ section from its website sometime in the past few months.”

Notice that it took place “sometime in the past few months.” In other words, somebody stumbled upon it but didn’t know when it happened. And you’d better believe that the handwringing and pearl-clutching has commenced as the left places the blame at the feet of its second-biggest enemy: Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.)


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“Business owners who cater to Florida’s LGBTQ+ tourists said Wednesday that it marked the latest attempt by officials in the state to erase the LGBTQ+ community,” the AP report continues. “Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis previously championed a bill to forbid classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity, and supported a ban on gender-affirming care for minors, as well as a law meant to keep children out of drag shows.”

Protecting children and removing a page from a website aren’t “eras[ing] the LGBTQ+ community,” whatever that means. We all know that we can’t escape the Pride Cult no matter how hard we try.

The move even shocked the AP, which couldn’t believe Florida would do such a thing “quietly.”

Who’s going to trumpet that with a press release? “Hey y’all, we’re taking the gay page down from our travel site. Just wanted to make a big announcement!”

Don’t worry; the AP preserved some of the content for us so we can reminisce about the days when Florida gave special treatment to gay travelers: “There’s a sense of freedom to Florida’s beaches, the warm weather and the myriad activities — a draw for people of all orientations, but especially appealing to a gay community looking for a sense of belonging and acceptance.”


What the AP buries in the story is that the Visit Florida website is a public-private partnership with the state contributing from economic development funds but not having complete control over content. This destroys the left’s image of DeSantis looking down from on high declaring, “Take the gay travel page down. We must erase the gays!

At the end of the day, taking down a special LGBTQ travel page isn’t going to discourage anybody but the most militant gay activists. The movers and shakers in Florida’s tourism industry know this, which is why they’re willing to let Visit Florida promote travel for everyone.


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