Georgia GOP Chairman Scorches TDS Sufferer Geoff Duncan for Calling Himself a Republican

AP Photo/Alex Slitz, File

I’ve written a couple of articles in recent months about Geoff Duncan, who served as lieutenant governor of Georgia from 2019 to 2023 and has become one of the most odious Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) creatures in recent memory. In May, Duncan wrote an op-ed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution calling for Republicans to join him in voting for Joe Biden — while crowing about his bravery in making left-wing statements in a left-wing newspaper. Last month, he declared that he would enthusiastically join the Democrats in supporting Kamala Harris.


For some reason, Duncan is still running around calling himself a Republican, which prompted Josh McKoon, the chairman of Georgia’s GOP, to call him out. McKoon posted an open letter to Duncan on X on Friday, in which he didn’t shy away from withering criticism of Duncan. 

“In a life otherwise devoid of accomplishment (e.g. dropping out of college, failing as a minor league baseball player, starting a series of sketchy businesses), your nominations by the Republican Party were signal honors, without which you would have never served as a member of the Georgia General Assembly or the Lieutenant Governor of this Great State,” McKoon began, “You repaid this debt of gratitude with a single, largely self embarrassing term in office as Lieutenant Governor.”

McKoon refused to mince words as he urged, “As Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, I write to demand that you cease referring to yourself as a Republican. You are not one.”

Related: Trump Attacks Georgia's Popular GOP Governor Again With Falsehoods and Personal Low Blows

McKoon cited Duncan’s “lapses and failings” from his endorsements of Biden and Harris to his failure to support Republican candidates like now-Lt. Gov. Burt Jones (R-Ga.) and Herschel Walker in 2022. He briefly mentioned Duncan’s flirtation with a presidential candidate with the defunct “No Labels” movement as well.


For context, Duncan announced with typical self-aggrandizement in March that he wouldn’t seek the “No Labels” presidential bid, saying that he wanted to focus on “healing and improving the Republican Party." No, seriously. (I don’t know how many “No Labels” people there were back then, but I’m sure they all breathed a collective sigh of relief.)

“On the surface, your animus against President Trump makes little sense,” McKoon continued brutally. “When you ran for Lieutenant Governor in 2018, you mimicked him like a chimpanzee, even going so far as to falsely claim his endorsement. You begged in 2020 for opportunities to speak on his behalf at Trump rallies and the Republican National Convention. But it has become clear that prostituting yourself to CNN as a Trump critic is now how you support yourself and your family.  You will no longer do so claiming to be a Republican.”

McKoon also made a list of items that the party will take to declare Duncan anathema:

Your conduct has given me no choice but to take the following actions to protect the Republican brand: 

1) The State Executive Committee will consider action to permanently ban you from qualifying as a Republican candidate for any elected office in this state as your signing of the loyalty oath at this point would obviously be false swearing; 

2) The Republican National Committee will be requested to adopt a resolution permanently banning you from the Republican Party as well as permanently banning you from qualifying as a Republican candidate in any state or territory for any position whatsoever; 

3) A resolution condemning your self serving and hypocritical behavior, and expelling you from the Republican Party, will be published on the @GaRepublicans website as a notice to the world clarifying that your commentary is made as an expelled Republican. [Unfortunately, as of this writing, the Georgia GOP website is woefully out of date. —CQ] 

 4) You will be treated as a trespasser should you attend any event, meeting, caucus or convention of the Georgia Republican Party. Every county Republican Party and Congressional District Party in the state of Georgia will be requested to issue you the same warning and condition. Consequently, you are not and never will be considered a Republican ever again. I request that you govern yourself accordingly.


Oof. Duncan might need to seek professional help for those burns, but he’s done it to himself by allowing TDS to take over his life. To use another metaphor, Duncan’s TDS has advanced beyond cure, so hopefully, the Georgia Republican Party can pull the plug on his future political aspirations.

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