WATCH: D’Souza’s ‘Vindicating Trump’ Highlights Dems’ Corruption and MAGA’s Plan for the Future

Dinesh D’Souza is debuting a well-timed new movie, “Vindicating Trump,” highlighting years of the Democrat Party’s lies, corruption, and election interference while also arguing that Trump is the “one Republican that can stop them.” And VIP Platinum subscribers will be able to stream this movie on TownhallTV beginning on Oct. 28. Watch it and be prepared for what happens before, during, and after the 2024 election. 


Donald Trump is many things — a businessman, a father, a grandfather, a jokester, a media personality, a president, a leader. He is an optimist who gets up after a bullet wound more defiant than ever. He has survived an unprecedented slew of slanders, investigations, lawsuits, and other attacks. Many have screamed for his blood, yet he still believes he can unify the country, that this “nation is our canvas,” and our “grandest journeys are not yet made.” Donald Trump is a “larger-than-life” figure, as D’Souza said, and, quite simply, he is Democrats’ and RINOs’ worst nightmare. There are certainly criticisms to be made of Trump, but one thing he is not is a tyrant. He is the system’s target, not the tyrant.

One quote from D’Souza during the film sums up his movie’s major warning: “These are the people that [Abraham] Lincoln warned us about. The threat of tyranny doesn’t come from a shuffling Biden or a cackling Kamala by themselves. It comes from the Democratic Party, a lawless regime that marches under the banner of democracy as they destroy our constitutional republic and what is unique and good about America.” Nor should we try to change Trump fundamentally—mean tweets, brash promises, non-PC jokes and all, D’Souza argues. “We need Trump as is.” He can lead us to victory and restoration of the American Dream. He will, as he shouted after he was shot, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

“Vindicating Trump” features commentary from Trump himself and individuals close to him, including his daughter-in-law and Republican National Committee (RNC) Co-Chair Lara Trump, as well as his attorney Alina Habba. The movie begins with TV clips highlighting the business and media accomplishments of Trump’s younger days and ends with a message of hope for what he’ll accomplish in a second term. Besides investigators, experts, and political figures, the film features actors (including Nick Searcy and Siaka Massaquoi) in humorous presentations of how Democrat operatives, Big Tech executives, and government officials have increasingly panicked and/or decided to target Trump over the years. It is a masterful presentation of just how aggressively Democrats have assailed Trump's character and highlights the political, physical, and legal attacks against him, including the assassination attempts. Ultimately, D'Souza's film proves they were totally wrong about Trump being a threat to anyone but would-be tyrants.


One of D’Souza’s most incisive themes throughout the movie was tying together the Democrats of Lincoln’s time with the Democrats of today and comparing Republican President Lincoln himself with Trump. While Trump is not quite so good or great a man as Lincoln, it is undoubtedly true that both these Republican presidents took on the great evils espoused by the Democrats of their time and were consequently — and falsely — labeled tyrants by the Democrats. Lincoln prophetically warned in his Lyceum address about internal tyranny, an American Caesar, who would trample our constitutional rights and cause chaos and rigged lawfare. We’re seeing that happen in real-time with the anti-constitutional, oppressive Biden-Harris administration locking up their opponents, crushing free speech, and laughing about it.

A “Confederate Democrat killed Lincoln” while screaming his false conviction that Lincoln was a tyrant, D'Souza notes. Trump was blessed enough to survive his attempted assassination. But Democrats, including Kamala Harris (who just labeled Trump “Hitler”), are doing their level best to gin up violent hatred against Trump again. Democrats haven’t been this angry since Republicans freed their slaves, and that’s no coincidence. Trump has the power to cause societal upheaval, but as he said in the film, “I’m not sure I want that power. I want the power just to make the country better.” That’s in striking contrast to the BLM-encouraging, COVID lockdown-enforcing, child-mutilating, war-starting Biden-Harris-Walz continuum.


Hence, we can expect election shenanigans. Democrats have been cheating in elections for well over a century; it would be shocking if they didn’t try to commit fraud. D’Souza featured two experts exposing how vulnerable our election systems are, ending with Lara Trump's promise that the RNC’s main focus right now is cleaning voter rolls and preventing fraud. So be warned, be prepared, and get out there and vote, bringing friends and family with you

“How do you buy a ballot?” D’Souza asked. An investigator called Ernest in the film walked through how he was able to buy official ballot paper, print thousands of ballots, buy lists of registered voters (and info on when they last voted) for $35, and bring the fake ballots into an election tabulation area with few to no questions asked. An expert D’Souza called Rick chimed in, explaining how Democrats target nursing homes, colleges, and homeless shelters and how easy it is to register to vote and cast a vote without citizenship. Some states have automatic registration for college students to vote, and signature verification is too often sloppy. 

But both Donald and Lara Trump urged Americans not to lose heart. Patriots surprised Democrats in 2016 with a Trump win, and this year, with the RNC committing to forestalling fraud and suing corrupt officials, we can hope to win. “If we vote, we’re gonna win,” Trump said, adding his promise to clean up the corrupt system if he is voted into office. He has sworn to secure America’s borders, protect our Republic, end weaponized lawfare, and make America prosperous and strong again.


D’Souza ended the movie with a warning about the Democrat Party and encouragement to believe we can conquer. “The threat of tyranny just as Lincoln foresaw is real,” D’Souza stated. “The Democrats are lying to us again. They know Trump isn’t a tyrant. But they falsely accuse him because they know he’s the one Republican that can stop them. So they must stop him first. We can’t let them do that.”

Trump is not perfect, but “Like Lincoln, Trump is the best man for the crisis in which the country finds itself. He’s the one man who can restore the American dream. Together with Trump, we can overcome this crisis, defeat the bad guys, and make America great again.”

Interested in watching for yourself? "Vindicating Trump" is now streaming on the all-new TownhallTV. This film is part of TownhallTV's ever-growing library of conservative movies, shows, documentaries, and more, all free from Big Tech censorship and Hollywood's woke messaging, and all included in your VIP Platinum membership. 


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